Afghan President Karzai wants war to be perfect, with no civilian casualties. He's living in a dream world.
Pakistani students release hostages. That place is a powder keg.
US envoy claims North Korea will shut down reactor in 3 weeks. Like I said before, I'll believe it when I see it. I think it's far more likely North Korea will come up with some more demands for the US instead.
EU draws up new treaty similar to the Constitution previously rejected by voters. This treaty will have to be ratified by voters of member states.
Administration considers shutting Guantanamo and moving prisoners to military prisons. Why? What could possibly be gained? The loony left will just start attack the new military prisons.
Smugglers giving illegal immigrants stimulant cocktail before dashing across the border.
Nifong could face jail time. Good.
Reason blasts Michael Moore's Sicko.
Reason questions the trade-off between feeding SUVs with biofuels and starving people.
Complicated fish markets. Article fails to consider that Asian fish buyers may be more savvy costumers than white fish buyers. Price is based on an agreement of value by buyer and seller, and sellers can sell the same items at different prices to different buyers.
Newt attacks the Kennedy/McCain/Bush immigration bill.
A shot to stop Alzheimer's could be available in a few years.
Michael Barone discusses the effect a Bloomberg candidacy might have on the 2008 race. He doesn't mention what I think would be the biggest effect - people who will go to the race just to vote against Hillary will split their votes. If Hillary runs, her negatives ensure a Republican victory regardless of candidate, unless a third party candidate can suck up a bunch of hate Hillary votes.
Fred Thompson points to a study that shows that increasing individual wealth, the result of tax cuts, leads to significant benefits for children. This is self-evident, but Democrats want to raise taxes anyway.
Dick Morris discusses suspicious free travel for members of the do nothing conference.
WSJ editorial compares Mike Nifong and Patrick Fitzgerald. Both prosecutors were politically motivated and corrupted the judicial process, that's for sure.
Steve Forbes on government's plans to tax Big Oil.
Charles Krauthammer says with Hamas in control in Gaza, Israel can finally get tough. They better.
The only solution to radical Islam lies with Muslims.
Excellent essay listing the recent military successes and political failures in Iraq. Reader supported reporter on Operation Arrowhead Ripper.
Iran is waging war on us. Why don't we fight back? This essay doesn't really answer that question. It questions our entire War on Terror.
New website addressing the perils of socialized medicine.
Demand for school vouchers explodes in Cincinnati. Dayton schools spend only 64% of money in the classroom. Ohio teachers unions file suit against charter schools, calling them unconstitutional. 66% of Dayton school funding comes from state and federal government. More on Dayton school funding. School vouchers for the disabled. Strickland wants to ban for-profit schools. Blackwell's opinion. Essay calls vouchers government-backed religion. Inner city superintendents oppose vouchers. Charter schools. Strickland won't eliminate Cleveland's school vouchers. Cato's take.
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