China is supplying arms to terrorists through Iran in their proxy war against the US, the new Cold War of Terror. Let' s make them richer so they can kill more Americans. How stupid are we?
China focusing on cyber-arms race. America prepares for cyber-war. China's military has been systematically hacking US computers for years to steal technology, and America is just now preparing for cyber-war? How stupid are we?
China slave ring busted.
Anbar province could be a model for working with Sunni insurgents to defeat al Qaeda in Iraq. I don't think those Sunni's are insurgents any more. They may go back to being insurgents later, but right now, they're working with US and Iraqi forces.
Abbas appoints a new Prime Minister. This seems like an act of futility. This civil war likely spells doom for any 2 state solution. Israel should crush Hamas once and for all. This would mean having to crush Hezbollah at the same time, which Israel failed to do last time. Hamas grants amnesty to Fatah leaders.
Dirty bomb planners sentenced in UK.
Ebay pulls Google advertising.
Bush signs bill banning recess appointment of attorneys.
Pace declares he was forced out of position as Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs.
Author claims Bush will pardon Libby.
Ron Paul's grassroots popularity. Ron Paul on Colbert.
4th graders issue climate report that has as much scientific basis as the IPCC report, which is none. It's good to know we're teaching our 4th graders to be mindless sycophants.
Canadian judge orders man not to have girlfriend for 3 years. Talk about a judicial tyrant.
Space stations computer problems linked to electrical noise from new solar array.
Supreme Court rules in favor of free speech for individual teachers over teachers' unions. That was an obviously the right decision, but in ever more socialist American, the Court could have easily pretended the union could force teachers to donate to union causes.
America's warrior spirit is fading. Badly. It doesn't help that our leaders can't prosecute a war worth a damn. Failing to secure Iraq from day 1 is unforgivable. Rushing to install a government of warlords is equally unforgivable. To achieve total victory today we would have to do the same thing we should have done when we invaded - put 300,000 soldiers on the ground, implement security with an iron grip, start the democratic process at the grass-roots level for local governments, and slowly build a nation. The short cuts we tried to take have cost us, the Iraqis and the world and benefited al Qaeda and the Iranians.
Charles Krauthammer suggests that the Congress pass border security first, then take up other aspects of immigration legislation. Unfortunately, adding security to the border won't stop the invasion. A river hasn't stopped them, and neither will a fence. The illegal immigrants have too much financial incentive to be stopped by fences, guards, or the military. To secure the border, we have to make the jobs go away, and to do that we have to credibly threaten to arrest all employers of illegal aliens. We can do that under existing law, so let's enforce existing law first, before we pass any other immigration provision.
Dick Morris says we can break Iraq by stopping investment there. It's so obvious, but we haven't done it in years. We'd rather bomb them.
The lostpolitics board is still down. Based on their estimate to me, it should be back up by tomorrow, if not before.
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