Videotaping the police should always be allowed.
Another liberal attack on free speech: liberal think tank wants to use government force to put and end to talk radio. Liberals can't succeed at talk radio in a free market, so they want to destroy that free market. Typical. I predicted this when Imus was fired.
Prepare for global cooling - we're heading into a solar minimum, which means more cloud formation, which means cooler climate. List of global warming skeptic links. Czech President responds to questions about his statement that environmentalism is the new communism.
Icebergs effectively serve as CO2 sinks, effectively pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere. This provides a dampening affect on CO2 during warming.
Immigrants 9 times as likely to be exposed to tuberculosis than Americans. I thought legal immigrants were screened for this. I bet these are illegal immigrants.
Senate energy bill could push gas prices to $6 per gallon. Republican block. The government makes more off gasoline than anybody. They're doing the gas gouging.
Pentagon reports that its email system was hacked and Sec. of Defense Gates' staff email was compromised. I hope it wasn't the Chinese.
Ohio appeals court upholds privacy of email.
9 journalists contribute to Democrats for every journalist who contributes to Republicans. This is institutionalized liberal bias. It's interesting that the 2 conservatives they mention are not newsmen at all, but commentators who have no responsibility to be unbiased. The list of contributors.
President Bush's unpopularity is only surpassed by Congress' unpopularity. We elected every one of these losers, and we'll probably reelect 94% of them unless America finally gets it right and votes third party for every office.
US and Israeli Air Forces agree to greater cooperation.
Israeli bomber apprehended. Let's hope this is an isolated incident and not a return of Jewish terrorists.
EU leaders at summit to try and adopt a treaty that would implement the rejected EU constitution without voter approval.
Iranians had tried to kidnap an Australian navy patrol before they successful kidnapped 15 British sailors and marines.
China responds to claims it is the world's largest producer of CO2 - we moved our industry to China. This is exactly right.
China selling us fake veterinary drugs.
Reason suggests we shouldn't be so afraid of mergers leading to monopolies and cartels. In fact, what they're arguing is that government doesn't even do that job well.
Reason says nobody will attack wasteful military spending.
Reason suggests another immigration plan, but it fails to address illegal immigration at all.
Financial aid instructions for illegal aliens.
American Medical Association to vote whether or not to declare internet/video-game addiction a disease. That's what passes for science now days.
Earth swallows up lake in Chile.
Cato expresses skepticism at NK nuclear deal.
Strange map renaming states with countries close in GDP.
Ralph Peters applauds Gen. Petraeus for gaining back territory then going on the offensive. After 4 years, we finally have a leader who is fighting to win.
Fred Thompson highlights a federalist response to medical malpractice.
Victor Davis Hanson says westerners should quit blaming themselves for the Middle East's problems. It's important that we remember this side of our Middle Eastern exploits, but we have to look at the whole picture including propping up the Shah and Saddam Hussein.
Americans are getting shorter! We've known we eat badly for decades. Now we can see another price.
How unions tax even non-members.
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