Nato acknowledges they're killing too many civilians. What? Nobody wants to kill civilians, but the job is to kill the bad guys and stay alive while doing it. Civilians who allow terrorists to set up camp in their neighborhood are likely to get killed. We should not take more Nato casualties to decrease Afghan civilian casualties.
Brown replaces Blair and starts his run with empty rhetoric.
NSA suffers brownouts. Why do we trust the federal government to do anything but topple nations? (It's the one thing Washington does well.)
Black military recruits drop by 1/3. This article is incomplete because it doesn't address whites and other ethnicities. That omission makes it seem politically motivated.
San Francisco mayor bans bottled water for city employees. Does anybody still live in San Francisco?
2 year old has an IQ of 152. That is very hard to believe.
Mark Steyn has an excellent essay putting Salman's Rushie's experience in context.
The press isn't covering our biggest offensive in Iraq since we toppled Saddam.
George Will on Oakland's silencing of speech by it's employees about marriage.
Obese people may be malnourished because of poor diets. I've been saying that for years.
Another perspective on the 2 Americas. Hint: John Edwards would make the difference worse.
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