Sarkozy's party wins comfortable parliamentary majority and has mandate to reform France.
Gen. Petraeus says he wants to extend surge. The surge is really just starting since the last troops just entered the theater. Obviously it's far too soon to judge it, as Gates points out. US launches new offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq. Why aren't we always on the offensive against al Qaeda?
Abbas names yet another new cabinet. With Hamas in control of Gaza, maybe Abbas can create a real government in the West Bank. I bet Hamas terrorists attack the West Bank even more zealously than Israel. Paper claims Israel plans attack on Gaza. Hamas loots Arafat's house and steals his Nobel Peace Prize. It wasn't worth the paper it was written on anyway. US to lift sanctions to support Abbas.
Palestinian terrorists in Lebanon fire missiles into Israel. I guess everybody keeps a missile in their garage in southern Lebanon. The international peacekeepers won't stop them.
Sudan leader claims to support UN peacekeeping force in Darfur. What's the catch?
Duke prosecutor Nifong disbarred. About time.
US contractors in Iraq denied insurance claims.
Snow flurries expected in Wyoming.
UK spy camera to enforce trash bin rules. That's the new answer to every problem - put a spy camera on the public.
Investigating the investigator of abuse at Abu Ghraib.
Author claims that mankind can't colonize other star systems. Can't is such an absolute term.
Cato says that Congress can't reform earmarks because all the congressmen love them.
Cato explains how federal aid to state creates big government with no responsibility.
Cato says it's not just about Nifong. The criminal justice system railroads innocents all the time. We have a systemic problem, not just a single rogue prosecutor.
Cato on distributing foreign aid.
Cato on using the FISA court to authorize surveillance.
Cato says more troops is not the answer in Iraq, but then redefines the mission in order to make that true. Our troops are doing counter-insurgency operations, not just hunting terrorists, and more troops will certainly make them more effective at that mission.
Cato on Zimbabwe. In 15 years, Mugabe has taken Zimbabwe from the jewel of Africa to imminent collapse by attacking the free market that made Zimbabwe so successful previously.
Interesting article claims that agriculture was bad for individuals compared to hunting/gathering. This is because procreation is is our gene's highest priority. This shows that social pressured outweighed individual drive, and the result is a more successful social structure for passing on our genes - civilization. That's why we have big brains, to find more successful strategies than our instincts. But modern liberalism is not good for our genes, it keeps us from reproducing, and as a result, liberal societies are committing suicide.
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