Kennedy and others lie about letters supporting the immigration bill. They used empty boxes as a stunt.
Senators use contrived process to thwart the will of the American people and pass immigration legislation. It's time to write and call again. Might have to work on the weekend to sneak this bill past the people.
New alarmist report on consequences of global warming claims it threatens civilization. We'll never hear these same scientists admit they're hysteria is overblown and mistaken. The Czech President has it right: the greatest threat from global warming is totalitarianism.
While Syria is on a campaign to kill every minister in Lebanon and is sending terrorists to fight the US in Iraq, Russia sells them fighter planes. This is part of Russia and China's proxy war against the west, the new Cold War of Terror.
Taliban capture Afghan district. Nato was created to counter the mighty Soviet military, but apparently it's incapable of defeating the Taliban. What's wrong with this picture?
Muslim world riots over Rushdie knighthood. Iran summons ambassador.
US troops rescue orphans in Iraq.
Suicide bombers being sent to the west.
Senate energy bill will drive up gas prices.
Republicans threaten Valerie Plame with subpoena because she lied under oath. Libby's in jail for imperfect memory, Plame should be in jail for lying under oath.
Reason on the insanity defense. Don't start this article while eating.
Book suggests boys should be boys and receives criticism for not being politically correct.
Democrats are moving left, risking election. They're already invoking Karl Marx. How much further left can they get?
Fred Thompson top Republican in Rasmussen poll.
Cato calls for more openness for citizens to monitor federal spending.
Cato says Bush's record is at sharp odds with the Constitution.
Website showing ridiculously placed federal temperature monitors.
Excellent Victor Davis Hanson essay on the hypocrisy of attacking civilization while demanding its perfection from others.
US circumcision rate drops. That should lead to an increase in HIV.
Ralph Peters points to Gaza to illustrate the effectiveness of fanaticism.
Tom Delay has an interesting take on Newt Gingrich.
Excellent essay discussing how successful immigrants immerse their children in English and join the melting pot - and how that is now discouraged by the left.
Pat Buchanan exposes Bush's myth that democracies are magically peaceful.
Won't the fraudulent immigration reform plan require a big new government bureaucracy?
Fred Thompson on Harry Reid.
Google jump-starting hybrid car development.
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