So far more than 50 tunnels for smuggling drugs and illegal aliens from Mexico into the US have been discovered. A fence won't stop tunneling.
Because President Bush won't enforce our existing laws, states are cracking down on illegal immigrants. No doubt this article was timed to convince people we need the new immigration law, but we don't. We need the government to enforce our existing immigration laws.
Congressman warns that pushing this fraudulent immigration bill could cost Bush support of Republicans on Iraq. The timing of the immigration bill and the next article may not be coincidence.
Bush seeks compromise with Congress on Iraq. How do you compromise with Democrats who's primary goal is to make us lose? Petraeus is on the offensive. Let our troops kick some al Qaeda ass, publicize it, then use the bully pulpit to win support. Bush should have addressed the nation as soon as the offensive started to force the press to acknowledge the (absurdly late) change in strategy.
Sen. Feinstein considers bringing back Fairness Doctrine to shut down talk radio. Boortz' comments.
Gore is obsessed with consensus because he's a politician, not a scientist. His frustration is showing because he's being proven to be a fraud.
Websites provide transparency into special interest groups funding of politics.
Bomb kills Sunni leaders responsible for turnaround in Anbar province. Sounds like al Qaeda got it's revenge.
Iraqis revive Chinese oil deal. They must be greatful to China for all the blood and treasure China spent liberating them from Saddam and fighting al Qaeda in Iraq.
Hamas releases audio of Israeli solder captured last summer.
Chavez threatens war against the US. All dictators need an enemy in order to steal power from the people, and Chavez has his.
Putin says Soviet history is not as dark as US history. In this current anti-American environment, he'll probably get away with that. The curse of being the lone superpower. I prefer that to living in Russia.
This is a crappy story. A woman who was brought here when she was 1 year old, thought she was an American citizen, and now at 40 she's afraid of being deported. This woman should be legalized immediately. She's obviously an American. The same is true of millions of people who came here legally, learned the language, worked, and worked within the system to become citizens, but were screwed over by our bureaucracy.
Woman registered her dog to expose how lax our voting system is.
Hillary caught on tape talking to illegal campaign donor about donation.
Is Schwarzenegger a Republican? More like a RINO.
Thompson's former girlfriends may draw women's vote? This seems like a stretch.
Doctors vote that video-games are not an addiction. Duh.
All is not lost: plaintiff, a D.C. judge, loses $54 million lawsuit against dry cleaner.
Taxpayers pay $34.6 billion for health care for the uninsured, including illegal immigrants.
Christopher Hitchens on Muslim 'rage boy' and his rarity and empowerment by western media.
The current Supreme Court is ruling favorably for conservatives. That doesn't mean it's being constitutional. Conservative judges can be activist as well.
Ben Stein's appreciation for William F. Buckley.
The New Yorker is concerned about revisionist history of the depression. Liberals, via the mainstream media, have been misrepresenting FDR and the depression for nearly 80 years. There has been no critical analysis. I think the revisionism is institutionalized, and I welcome a more detached, accurate view. The WSJ agrees with me, and invites critical analysis of the New Deal. FDR is the architect of American socialism implemented by LBJ and GWB. Current Democrats, with Hillary in the lead, want to take us to the next level - Soviet style communism, starting with the communistic takeover of health care.
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