This is typical of government. It has no respect for people or their judgment. Tennessee requires that every citizen be carded - as if this will cut down on underage drinking. The politicians in Nashville thin they know more about who needs carded than the clerks and bartenders.
Young Americans less likely to realize that government makes everything it touches worse. That's because they haven't had as much experience.
Venezuela nationalizes US companies oil investment. It doesn't take a psychological profile to tell Chavez intends to be a life-long dictator.
China shuts down 180 factories for using illegal chemicals in food. Wow.
Israel kills militants in Gaza.
Iran rations gasoline. Violent response.
John Bolton says that sanctions and diplomacy have failed to stop Iran, and military force is the only option left. I disagree. We haven't even tried tough sanctions yet, and Iran has been forced to ration gas. We should quit playing games with Iran and really turn up the economic heat. Dick Morris suggests divestment as an option. We don't need politicians for this.
North Korea allows nuclear inspectors as it tests another missile.
Review of why Blair is stepping down as Prime Minister.
CIA dump shows that today's eavesdropping is much less pervasive than in the past. Bush may have had this information released just to make that point.
Record cold in Australia. Snow in South Africa.
Policeman chokes skateboarders.
Reason doesn't like Bloomberg.
Hillary's Achilles heel: nobody likes her. I wouldn't let her near my silverware.
Tantrum by 4 year old forces emergency landing. You have to be kidding me. I hope the parents are required to pay damages to everybody on the flight as well as the airline.
Find of the century in Egypt - Egypt's female pharaoh.
John Stossel takes on big-government conservatives.
Montgomery county, Mass. declares in schoolbooks that some children are born gay. It's one thing to have a genetic predisposition, but this has never been proven.
Dick Morris suggests pulling the troops out of Iraq to save the GOP. That's what's wrong with Washington - it's always about the party and never the country. I think Bush will draw down troops for this reason, and because he's breaking the army. Our army deserves a better Commander in Chief than we've had the last 14 years.
Lawrence Kudlow says Washington is a waging war against success.
Thomas Sowell on our society that rewards attention getters and punishes those who accomplish great things.
Nice Walter Williams essay discussing the 'needs' and the difference between thinking and feeling.
Fred Thompson highlights research that shows the death penalty deters crime.
Michelle Malkin points out we can't even handle the current, legal immigration load. No way we can deal with 12-20 million new people.
A history of climate change recorded by civilization starting with Plato.
Fred Thompson exposes socialized medicine in Canada and Britain.
Tom Delay says that the liberals' answer to every environmental issue is more government. Note to Tom: that's liberals' answer to every issue.
The redistricting game.
British Muslims and multi-culturalism.
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