US to end aid embargo to Palestinians. Fatah storms Hamas strongholds in West Bank.
Second Sunni mosque destroyed in Basra. Looks like the attack on the Samarra mosque was successful in fomenting sectarian violence. These murderers won't be happy until everybody in Iraq is dead.
US General reports we have full control of only 40% of Baghdad. That's not good.
North Korea invites UN nuclear monitors. This is a positive sign.
Poll claims most of the world is cool with China catching up to US. They won't be so cool when China starts dominating the world with communism.
If you wondered just how bad the immigration bill is, both Bush and Clinton support it. It can't get any worse than that. WSJ Poll shows risk for Republicans.
Bush criticizes Democrats for budget. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. This from the guy who never saw a spending program he didn't like.
Report claims Rice and Cheney on opposite sides of Iran debate.
Reason asks if the torture debate hurts American credibility. What this shows is that if the press complains long enough and loud enough that America kicks puppies, it will hurt America's credibility. Waterboarding is not torture. Next thing you know, interrogators will be banned from raising their voices because it hurts the self-esteem of terrorists. This is ridiculous.
More proof that Republicans are just like Democrats - Trent Lott attacks talk radio.
The decline of the US: US falling behind in physics research.
The lostpolitics board is still down. Forumsdot is back up, but it doesn't look like any of the boards are. Forumsdot says the board will be back within 12 hours.
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