Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Free kibbles

Boortz discusses the procedure for the comprehensive surrender to Mexico immigration bill.

Al Qaeda calls on Muslims to support Hamas. A match made in hell.

Police officer convicted of violating the civil rights of illegal immigrants because he shot at them after they tried to run him over. The Texas Rangers concluded he did nothing wrong. I trust the Rangers over this prosecutor.

Germans restrict sites for Tom Cruise filming because of Scientology. Europe still has a long way to go to be free.

Which candidates are favored by CEOs.

Pat Buchanan says Bloomberg will take votes from Hillary.

Newt outlines a policy to win the war on terror, what he calls World War IV (WWIV).

In a decision supporting freedom of speech, the Supreme Court striked down part of McCain/Feingold.

How global warming zealots silence skeptics.

Pretty good analysis of the causes of the Great Depression except for it's condemnation of the gold standard. The Great Depression didn't come around because we were tied to the gold standard, it came about because countries suspended the gold standard during WWI, causing massive inflation, and then they tried to put the genie back in the bottle - artificially changing the prices. The run on banks that collapsed them came because people knew their money had no backing. Had we been consistently on the gold standard, free market would have set optimal prices, there would have been no deflation as governments manipulated the price of gold in an attempt to return to the gold standard, and people would never have lost confidence in the banks.

Apparently there is a book on the Great Depression written from the Austrian economic point of view.

Study on diversity reflects common sense - it has negative short and medium-term effects. Author doesn't want to publish.

Great quote from Cato Vice-President:
What should concern us here is how the government lured Google into the political sector of the economy. For most of a decade the company went about its business, developing software, creating a search engine better than any of us could have dreamed, and innocently making money. Then, as its size and wealth drew the attention of competitors, anti-business activists, and politicians, it was forced to start spending some of its money and brainpower fending off political attacks. It's the same process Microsoft went through a few years earlier, when it faced the same sorts of attacks. Now Microsoft is part of the Washington establishment, with more than $9 million in lobbying expenditures last year. "And that's what the parasite economy is costing America. The founders of Microsoft and Google and other innovative companies are going to waste their brains on protecting their companies rather than thinking up new products and new ways to deliver them.

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