Iran threatens Israel again. Makes hollow suggestion regarding nuclear program.
7 US troops killed in Iraq.
US plans to withdrawal troops from Iraq in 2008, but still leave plenty behind in 2009.
Putin threatens to target Europe with nuclear missiles. He must already have missiles targeted at Europe. Russia has over 5000 missiles that are targeted at something - it must be Europe, China, and the US. Gorbachev criticizes US. His comments about the British empire are ignorant. Britain thrived during 3 centuries of empire, and the entire world benefited from that empire. All these comments about the US empire are a joke. Where are our colonies? Even Iraq and Afghanistan have governments elected by their own people. Because people all over the world want to be free like US citizens, and the US promotes that, the losers accuse us of building an empire.
Authorities in Trinidad hunt for 4th JFK bombing suspect.
Democrats are hiding pork from voters.
Supposed consensus on global warming is no consensus. Not that consensus matters to science. New alarmist reports that global warming is faster than predicted.
Swiss suicide clinics helping depressed people commit suicide. This is nuts.
Article claims President Bush supports a North American Union that is a merger of Canada, the US, and Mexico. This explains why he doesn't care about our borders. Ron Paul speaks out against the North American Union.
Laura Ingraham responds to Bush's insult about his fraudulent immigration plan.
Carl Bernstein on Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster.
Now Prince Harry may go to Afghanistan.
Physicists are finally moving away from the "big bang" theory to a "big rumble" theory. I think a great model for the formation of the universe is to slap your hand on the surface of a bathtub or pond. The resulting wave is analogous to the universe. The ripples, whirlpool, and eddies are analogous to matter in the universe. The universe didn't start at a single point, then expand faster than the speed of light, then slow down. Dark energy is the energy of the initial contact that's driving the expansion of the wave. The universe erupted at multiple points when 2 branes collided at multiple points, unevenly, and matter is riding the expanding wave.
Villagers in India protest to be named to a lower caste so they can get benefits reserved for the lower caste. This is the effect of welfare everywhere.
Interesting, new, green building. This building obviously wasn't designed to government standards. I wonder the investment in green will pay off. This is how the free market develops solutions to problems.
Leading Democrats all espouse socialism instead of individual liberty.
Author calls the fraudulent immigration reform bill the worst legislation in 50 years. He also points out that this amnesty will guarantee that from now on all illegal aliens will get amnesty, since the new voting block will swing the support in favor of amnesty.
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