Pakistani minister calls for suicide attacks because of Rushdie's knighthood.
US and Australia launch massive, joint, war games exercise in Pacific. We'd be better served if we stop enriching China so it could more effectively threaten us.
Author claims Rumsfeld knew about torture at Abu Ghraib.
School bans all touching. With schools this dumb, it's no wonder our kids are dumb.
Reason says the government should hand out sterile syringes to reduce the spread of AIDS. If the government ever made that determination, it would have to further admit that the entire war on drugs is a disaster, and legalize drugs. I'm not holding my breath.
Aliens don't do drugs.
FBI name checks holding up naturalization for legal immigrants. 329,160 of them. Imagine if we dumped 12 - 20 million amnesty recipients on them. We'd be legalizing every terrorist already in the US.
Cato recommends merit pay for teachers and school choice for parents to improve the quality of education.
Cato says the troops have accomplished their mission in Iraq, and can come home now with honor. That's what al Qaeda wants because it will lead to a bloodbath, humanitarian crisis, and Taliban style rule in Iraq.
Cato comments on oil alarmism.
They screwed up the lostpolitics board again. The URL is lostpolitics.forumsdot.com, but they have it directed to some board ad right now. This address, http://lostpolitics.forumsdot.com/politics-vf1.html, works to get you to the politics forum, and the drop-down menu will get you to other forums.
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