Lieberman supports military strike into Iran, much like I have long advocated. We now, we're allowing safe havens for terrorists in Iran and Syria, much like we did in Laos and Cambodia in the Vietnam War. You can't win a war if you allow the enemy to have safe havens. We should send over special ops teams at night and quietly wipe these safe havens out. We should also blockade Iran the next time they take any overt action against Americans or our allies.
More on US plans for long-term force in Iraq. This should surprise no one, even though the Bush administration never prepared Americans for it. We still have troops in Japan, Germany, and South Korea. Iraq is similar from a historical point of view, and we'll likely have troops there for 50 years or more too.
Navy dominates top level military posts. Army is not happy.
France poised to increase Sarkozy's parliamentary majority. France may be serious about saving itself.
Musharraf ends media crackdown.
Barred from running in 2008, Putin may run for Russian President in 2012.
US representatives get pensions in prison.
Grass-roots movement killed immigration bill. Damn straight! Now we should start a campaign to enforce our existing laws, but conservatives don't want that. They want a fence. That's just another way to pass the problem off to government and forget about it. It's doomed to fail.
Judge legislates voter IDs from the bench in Mississippi. Whether this is a good idea or not, no judge should legislate from the bench. I wonder how this got in front of a court instead of the legislature.
Beef recall for E. Coli. I cook my beef thoroughly.
Powell says we should close Guantanamo prison. Recommends we give foreign fighters lawyers.
Shuttle on the way to space station.
Reason discusses Barry Bonds.
Index of economic freedom for the 50 states.
The new US ambassador to Iraq.
Mark Steyn tees off on the supporters of the fraudulent immigration bill.
Al Gore mis-attributes a quote to Lincoln. Seems Ronald Reagan did the same.
At least Mort Kondracke recognizes the threat of China.
George Will discusses Democrats' problem with the economy and taxes.
Reagan Democrats are key in '08.
Robert McFarlane compares the Vietnam and Iraq in terms of counter-insurgency, the press, and politics.
Confession of a US army interrogator.
Article claims mental exercises can break depression.
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