Iraq not meeting political benchmarks.
Hamas takes over Fatah compound. Hamas is killing Fatah because Fatah doesn't kill enough Israelis. Hamas calls for Fatah to surrender in Gaza. This is bound to spread to the West Bank.
Shimon Peres elected Israeli president.
Harry Reid claims Democrats set the bar too high when they said they could end the war. He's lying now, just like he lied then. He's playing politics with the anti-war left. Democrats can end the war, they just won't.
Political maneuvering to provide political cover for supporting the fraudulent immigration bill.
Portland Mayor blasts ICE for enforcing the law.
National Guardsmen caught smuggling Mexicans into America. Any attempt to put fences on the border and add border guards without addressing the economic incentive illegal aliens have to come to America will only result in further corruption of our border guards and public officials. There's one and only one workable solution - remove the economic incentive by getting rid of the jobs.
Firms support green computer plan because it will hurt competition and limit entrepreneurship. Market leaders always love government regulations for that reason.
The Minneapolis battle over cabbies driving people with alcohol continues.
Reason on the court smack-down of Bush's indefinite detention of legal residents.
Iran to execute porn stars.
Boortz provides a link to discussion of an Egyptian fatwa proclaiming Muslim women must breastfeed their male coworkers.
Lebanese leader murdered. List of murdered anti-Syrian Lebanese leaders.
John Stossel points out an example of victory over imminent domain abuse.
Argument against government schools.
Great analysis by Newt Gingrich on how Republicans need to learn from France to win the election. He explains that even though Sarkozy is from the incumbent party, he ran as the candidate for change, unlike the socialist candidate. Sarkozy's party didn't have the war in Iraq to deal with, though.
George Will describes Harry Reid's machinations on the immigration bill. Reid's approval rating is 19%.
WSJ on voter ID laws.
Mt. Kilimanjaro's ice likely melting from solar radiation, not global warming.
Ann Coulter says Bush only prosecutes border agents defending our border, not the illegal aliens coming across.
Because of the unmanageable number of earmarks, Nancy Pelosi wants to change their name.
Rudy Guiliani proves he can make 12 good sounding sound bytes and call it a contract with America.
Al Qaeda lost Anbar over sex.
Walter Williams points out why the government monopoly on education is so abysmal.
Michelle Malkin describes how illegal aliens convicted of the most violent crimes game the system to avoid deportation.
Why conservatives like Fred Thompson. He's not the other guys.
School won't let students discuss the Iraq war, so they wrote a play about it. What kind of school wouldn't let students discuss the war?
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