Israel responds to rocket attacks from Gaza.
Isn't it great that Palestinians can go into Israel and get medical treatment, then go back home and strap on suicide bombs to blow up their benefactors. How sick is the Palestinian society?
Bush considers Blair for Middle East Envoy.
China surpasses US as world's leading producer of CO2, otherwise known as plant food.
Venezuela is on the road to serfdom.
Judge gives go-ahead for lawsuit on bank transaction spying. This is another case where our courts are fighting on the side of the terrorists. If this had been abused, it would be another story, but it hasn't.
Ban Alert: New Hampshire bans smoking.
Mexican soldiers going awol to join drug cartels. That's because of the money our War on Drugs provides the cartels. The more we try to militarize our border, the more that money will corrupt US forces as well.
Senators report that the federal government encourages illegal immigration. Of course it does.
Georgia senators focus of immigration tug-of-war.
High gas prices is the free market's way of telling people to use fuel more efficiently.
Congress' approval rating lowest in a decade. No matter how bad Republicans are, Democrats are worse. Why in the hell do people keep voting for the 2 parties? It's insane.
Reefer madness in Canada. Seems more likely to have happened here.
Reason on the failure of Palestinian democracy.
Reason on Obama's Punjab mistake.
Christopher Hitchens calls for Bush to pardon Scooter Libby. No kidding.
Swing state voters don't like the fraudulent immigration bill.
Newt's online ad denouncing the immigration bill.
Microsoft alters Vista to avoid Google lawsuit. That is indicative of the sea-change in power in the software business.
Six volunteers for Martian test will spend 17 months in spacecraft mock-up. I understand why this kind of test is important, but it's not a realistic test. The psychological difference of being mere feet away from other humans versus interplanetary space is huge. The rational temptation to leave the spacecraft doesn't exist in space.
Boortz shows that Newt has an excellent plan to secure our borders. I have a couple quibbles: I don't like the border fence. It's a big government program, it's unnecessary, and it gives the federal government more power. I think illegal aliens here already should go home and go to the end of the line before they can come here legally. If we allow them to jump line, we are rewarding the breaking of our laws.
The emasculation of America: Man fired for helping woman who had been shot.
The decline of America: army apologizes for tattoo strip searches. Getting a tattoo is about behavior, not race. If it helps the army weed out gang members, I'm all for it.
Cato says we should downsize the Department of Agriculture. More than just stating the obvious, this is a web resource.
State Department resisted Reagan's call for Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." Wimps.
Japan renames Iwo Jima. Who the hell is Japan to rename one of the islands that Americans lost so many lives taking in WWII? How did Japan get control of Iwo Jima? You have to be kidding me.
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