Unusually heavy snow in Australia.
Hamas overrunning Fatah in Gaza. Abbas fires Hamas government. Declares state of emergency. He still has control in the west bank, for now. All this is because, like Hezbollah, Hamas is a proxy for Iran which is protected by China and Russia, and we allow them to literally get away with murder. Until we confront Iran, Russia and China and make them pay a price, they will continue burning down the entire Middle East.
Iraq's sectarian divide and Iran's influence on it even runs to Iraq's intelligence services.
Disputed funds being transfered to North Korea. These funds were raised by counterfeiting. They're bribing us for illegal funds, and we're capitulating.
Russia to sell Venezuela 9 submarines as part of its new Cold War of Terror with the west.
Argentina vows to peaceably regain Falklands.
FBI may have violated surveillance law 1,000 times. Terrorist watch list has 1/2 million names. That's out of control.
Nifong case highlights broader problem with prosecutorial power. There is systemic problem, not just a problem with one individual.
In a typical act of elitism, the Massachusetts legislature blocked a proposed popular vote for a Constitutional amendment addressing gay marriage.
Nancy Pelosi proposes that taxpayers pay for the travel of representatives' adult children.
Judge refused to delay Libby's prison sentence for his appeal.
FBI fighting zombie computers.
New York City paying companies to build in New York.
Bush links Syria to murder of Lebanese official.
Democrats make partisan attacks on military commanders. This is nothing unusual since Kerry called our troops terrorists. A few seconds later he claimed to support them.
Democrats upset that Gonzales made a legal recess appointment. Shame on him for obeying the law. They passed legislation banning that process, but it's not yet law.
Reason examines illegal immigration and disputes claims of "nativists." Victor Davis Hanson exposes the elitism of calling typical American "nativists." Work verification, not a fence, not militarizing the border, is how we'll secure our borders. And employers have everything they need to do that right now - valid picture ID and a birth certificate or green card. We don't need any big government program for work verification either.
Reason on Sen. minority leader Tom Coburn.
Reason says cry for Argentina.
So-called scientists have cried wolf on oil reserves so many times, but they always get press when they do.
Judge orders torrentspy to turn over server's RAM. Really.
Utah is hiring Mexican teachers so that students can remain illiterate in English. That's s great way to penalize them and make them dependent on government for life.
Muslim terrorists are turning to piracy. This is what Marines are for, not nation-building and peacekeeping.
Kids taken to Planned Parenthood in after school program. This is blatantly political act by a government funded program. Let parents raise kids like they have since the dawn of humanity.
It seems our immigration department is denying entry to the son of a US citizen because the 3 year old has the same name as a former head of an Islamic group. These are the same people Kennedy and Bush want to trust with background checks on the 12-20 million illegal aliens.
Walmart's policy of ignoring minor shoplifting has led to a significant increase in shoplifting. It's not like Walmart either. Walmart is obsessive about keeping down prices, and shoplifting raises them.
The US must rethink its entire foreign policy. No kidding. We should have done that at the end of the Cold War, but Clinton screwed it all up and allowed the world to become a mine field.
Ralph Peters says that the grotesque barbarism of Gaza is a preview of Iraq if we pull out, only Iraq will be 1000 times worse. He also says we have a glimmer of hope, and that is generals who are finally being honest when describing the situation. This is a great, sobering read.
Al Qaeda threatens France. Since Spain is committing social suicide by demographics to become a Muslim colony, it will be interesting to see if al Qaeda attacks there too. I bet they do.
China's growing power. Understanding China. I think I understand China well enough. It wants to dominate the world. They're already waging a tremendously effective stealth war with their Russian ally and proxies, a new Cold War of Terror, against us in the tradition of Sun Tzu,. We're providing all the wealth China needs to defeat us. I think that's a great executive summary.
Dwarf Planet Eris is 27% larger than Pluto. This is why Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet.
Fred Thompson discusses the Castro-Chavez connection. He doesn't mention America's incompetent foreign policy starting with Clinton in allowing Castro to influence South America and Latin America.
More data that Hillary could be unelectable.
The lostpolitics board is down for an upgrade. It may be down tomorrow as well.
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