Informant exposed JFK terrorists. Lighter sentence? Let this man go free.
Federal agents arrested 10 people plotting to overthrow the communist government of Laos. Who's side are we on? Since when do we protect communist governments from revolutions by their own citizens?
Legal snafu stops Guantanamo tribunals.
Putin continues to threaten Europe. I'm reminded of those movies and TV shows where a psycho plans to kill his wife instead of losing her to another man.
China shrewdly releases climate plan that puts responsibility on western countries. Former German Chancellor Schmidt blasts global warming hysteria.
Report says Iraq surge is behind its goals in securing Baghdad. Iraqi soldiers kill al Qaeda leader and capture his gang. Al Qaeda group claims it killed the 3 missing US soldiers.
Smokers will be refused surgery in UK health care system.
Google and others want access to 700 MHz spectrum.
Just like Democrats root for terrorists attacks in Iraq to make Bush look bad, local GOP leader roots for terrorists attacks in the US to make Bush look good. The 2 parties are filled with freaks, and we have to stop voting for them.
Cato says that data-mining won't help our security. That can't be. Is Cato going to tell me that data-mining can be used to figure out what store people visit and what products they'll buy, but it can't be used to track activities of terrors? That's ridiculous. That data that's being mined is not private data. We have no expectation of privacy regarding that data. That data is available to companies. It would be irresponsible for our government not to mine that data for terrorists. If government abuses that power, we need to fix it, but stopping the government from mining public data for terrorists is crazy.
William Jefferson, of Nancy Pelosi's most ethical Congress, was indicted on 16 criminal counts.
Polish man wakes up after 19 years in a coma. Talk about culture shock after the defeat of communism.
Democrats plan to split Republicans on Iraq with a series of votes over the summer. Seems to me that Republicans are splitting themselves over immigration.
Sandy Berger surrendered his law license to keep the Washington D.C. bar association from investigating him about the documents he stole from the National Archives and destroyed. He's hiding something big.
Christopher Hitchens discusses Kurdistan and the war against al Qaeda we're considering abandoning in Iraq.
Our Congress is biased toward the status quo, even when nobody likes it. This will hopefully doom the immigration bill. Once again, we don't have to change the law to change the status quo, we only have to begin enforcing existing law. But our representatives want a permanent underclass of illegal aliens, so they refuse.
Michael Barone highlight's Democrats' bizarre support for intervention that is not in our interest while opposing intervention that is in our interest.
Cost overruns force downsizing of project to measure global warming.
McCain challenges rivals on alternative immigration plan. I have an alternative - enforce existing laws, arrest employers of illegal aliens, crack down on counterfeiters, and watch the illegal aliens go home.
Liberal exposes the Democratic myth of disappearing middle class. They're disappearing because they're moving into the wealthy class.
Is Hillary hanging herself with her own rhetoric? Tells supporters she is going to take something from them for the common good. Americans won't like that. But as usual, candidates prove themselves to be so terrible that people vote for the other terrible candidate just to avoid the first.
How technology empowers terrorists. Eventually one man will be able to destroy the world.
Once again, Iran has American hostages. I don't understand this dual citizenship stuff, though. Either you want to be all American, or you don't. I also think these people were stupid for visiting a rogue nation. I don't care if they're family is there or not, they were risking their freedom, and they lost. I still think we should use this to put Iran on the defensive. They've been on the attack with impunity for years. We should blockade their ports and stop all shipments of fuel. I doubt their people would appreciate their government's actions leading to no fuel.
World fertility rates. The old Soviet states are dying fast. Europe and other civilized, socialist countries are dying pretty fast, and America is just breaking even. China is shrinking. Muslim and African countries are growing fast. India has a healthy growth rate, as does Israel.
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