What we learned is that the American people can make government work for them if we take the time and effort to get involved. We can overcome the special interests and the professional politicians when we want. We need to want to all the time. In 2008, we need to kick the professional politicians out of Washington so we can get term limits to keep them out. That's a good start.
Russia lays claim to the north pole and all it's natural resources include twice as much oil as Saudi Arabia. This an another Putin power grab. The international community won't stand for this.
Examining a potential space war between China and the US. I think every satellite is a sitting duck for small projectiles.
Iranians burn more gas stations in protest of gas rationing.
Poll shows world distrusts the US. There isn't any government in the world that can be trusted right now.
Egyptian billionaire who had been accused of spying for Mossad murdered in Britain.
Oil passes $70 per barrel.
Supreme Court says race cannot be used to decide where children attend school. This is a huge step toward the end of institutionalized racism.
Juries make wrong decision 1 in 6 times, and they almost always make it in favor of the prosecution.
House report criticizes US training of Iraqi troops.
Embattled Bush refuses to turn over documents related to wiretapping. Since we're in a war, I think he'll win this battle. If Congress wants Bush to stop the wiretapping, then need to first end the war. The Constitution is real clear on this. Congress declares war. The President fights war.
Bush also refuses subpoenas on attorneys. This is a political issue, and he's so unpopular right now he may not win. But then again, Congress is even more unpopular. It's funny to read that Bush is out of touch, when clearly all of Congress is even more out of touch. If Republicans turn on Bush over the immigration debacle, he's toast.
Because they're doing such a good job, Congressmen are seeking a pay raise. Have I mentioned we need to kick all the incumbents out?
Reason says that the far left and far right accidentally spurred libertarianism after the 60s.
Americans are all bad moody. Reason asks why.
Bishops demand human rights for interspecies embryos, animals with human genes.
Feds fund study on how farm odors contribute to global warming.
Desertification has been forcing people to move for tens of thousands of years. Today is no different.
Supreme Court justice compares pot smokers to prohibition era drinkers. Sounds like we have 1 justice in favor of legalizing marijuana anyway.
Half of the world's population will live in cities soon.
Romney's connections to tough love camps. Once again, the word torture is egregiously misused.
Al Gore wins New Hampshire poll. I think Gore's ego is so big, that he won't recognize that entering the Presidential campaign will bring down his house of global warming cards all on top of his head. He'll think he can continue his scam even while running for President. He's made a ton of money off this scam.
Engineers overcome bureaucracy to save Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Cato suggests we cave to Iranian demands to stop them from getting the bomb. This is negotiating with terrorists. The end result will be more nations holding the US hostage with their nuclear programs.
Cato discussed the corruption of Chavez' dictatorship.
Cato is afraid of authoritarian Rudy Guiliani.
Cato reveals that the NSA has been collecting cell phone data on millions of Americans. If they're only mining the already available data for terrorists, that's OK, but Bush doesn't have the power to listen in on Americans at will even during wartime. Unfortunately, nobody will report what is actually being done. I respect libertarians on this issue, but Democrats fully supported Bill Clinton's obviously illegal wire-tapping of Americans in housing complexes supposedly in an effort to help the war on drugs, which was never a legal war.
Clinton official on Bush's domestic wiretaps - says their legal because of Clinton's Justice Dept. Rebuttal. Apparently there is now some backpeddling on the claim that Clinton used warrantless wiretaps. Finally, a nice summary of warrantless wiretaps and FISA law during our lifetime. An excellent look at the history of intercepting communications in the US going back to Washington.
Article describing the legal basis for the President's authority to wiretap conversations including foreigners.
Another study shows solar activity drives climate change.
Rasmussen poll showing only 22% of Americans support the immigration bill.
Boortz discusses a case of self-deportation, as I have been advocating all along.
Robert Rector from the Heritage Foundation explains his figures on how outrageously expensive illegal immigrants are to American taxpayers.
While Americans push for socialized medicine, the countries with socialized medicine are pushing market reforms to fix their failed systems.
With Blair gone, will Britain continue to stand with the US?
Prisoner released from Guantanamo killed in Russia. Why was this man released? Why would liberals demand his release, and why would Bush give in?
Wasteful government spending at an all-time high. Thanks conservatives.
Ohio Senator Voinovich doesn't know what the Fairness Doctrine is, he hasn't read the immigration bill, and he doesn't know what amendments are up for it.
ATF shutting down gun stores for clerical errors.
James Pinkerton provides a rough indictment of the Kennedy/Bush/McCain immigration fraud and the people who support it.
So why would Bush, and the 64 senators who voted this week to move his immigration bill forward, be so eager to legalize the 12 million foreigners who came into this country illegally? And thereby encourage tens of millions more to come here in the future, by hook or crook, in full expectation of getting amnesty in a decade or two? What message does that send - beyond contempt for the rule of law and disdain for good citizenship?General Petraeus' strategy in Iraq.
The answer is clear: The ruling class in Washington wants to see the American people fractionalized and multiculturalized - that is, the small "r" republican experiment in popular sovereignty brought to an end. That might seem like a harsh interpretation, but what else explains the determination to bring in 100 million foreigners, according to the Heritage Foundation, to an America that fails to teach newcomers English, let alone civics?
Victor Davis Hanson explains why food prices are rising.
It sure looks like Sarah Michelle Gellar is pregnant.
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