Spy accused of Litvinenko's murder blames UK agents.
Syria condemns tribunal because it was behind the murder of the Lebanese leader. Iran, Syria, Lebanon, terrorism and the tribunal.
NATO helicopter shot down by Taliban.
Bush jumps on greenhouse gas bandwagon despite having no science to back it up.
Sanity in the global warming debate from NASA, even if he's wrong about humans causing it. Cato agrees. Russians propose spraying sulfur aerosol in atmosphere to cool planet. The unintended consequences of this would be huge. Global warming on Neptune. Maybe the Russians can try their aerosol on Neptune to see if it works before exposing all of us.
Denying abuse of power.
Economy nearly stalled in 1st quarter. The only money-making sectors had been health care, education, and housing - and now housing has slumped. Making money off a sick population and rising education costs is an unhealthy economy.
China and India racing to the moon.
Swiss firm offers underground digital storage.
Reason weighs in on the Bush-Carter worst President debate.
Reason on the founder of Wikipedia.
Reason provides a 2008 candidate primer.
Google maps shows faces and license plates. What does that have to do with maps?
Cato argues against federal funding of stem cell research. Even if the federal funding wouldn't be counterproductive, the federal government shouldn't involve itself in anything this divisive.
Boortz says that Al Gore's support for the misnamed Fairness Doctrine is very much like Hugo Chavez democratizing of TV stations.
Hate crime quiz.
Ron Paul and Rudy Guiliani battle of the videos.
What size army do we need? It's obvious we needed a larger army in Iraq, but I don't think that means we need to have a huge standing army. There has to be a solution that provides a large pool of potential soldiers for wars like Iraq, more than we have now, but doesn't require us to keep that many soldiers and marines on active duty all the time. If we reduce the size of our standing army, we can increase pay and still save money. It seems we ought to be able to trade that off for longer term call-up commitments once soldiers and marines leave.
Europe is taking small steps to save itself. WSJ says it's too little, too late.
Henry Kissinger discusses the lessons of Vietnam. He says we can't let the anti-war movement defeat us again.
Victor Davis Hanson explains why illegal immigration transforms the destination country into the source county.
Cal Thomas exposes Hillary's socialism.
I am not robbed by people who have more money than me. I am robbed by a government that wants to penalize my industry and give increasing portions of what I earn to people who do not emulate my principles, morals and ethics.Rich Lowry exposes Hillary's lies about the economy, workers, and corporations.
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