Iran blames US for sectarian violence in Iraq. Right. It's not because of al Qaeda, the insurgents or the Shiite militias armed and trained by Iran. Give me a break. Rice scares off Iranian diplomat. Now that I like to see. Too bad some think she was chasing him. We'll never know.
Sunnis are turning on al Qaeda. Coalition breaks up Shiite band smuggling weapons and people to and from Iran.
UN changes story on global warming once again. Now we have 2 decades to curb emissions to reduce greenhouse gases. This con is falling apart.
Why Asia is the main obstacle to controlling green-house gases. It's because they want to grow, like everybody else should.
France's socialist candidate Royal warns that conservative front-running Sarkozy will be violent and brutal. And we thought candidates were negative here.
Hugo Chavez wants to nationalize Venezuela's banks and steel industry next.
Mogadishu mayor bans guns on the streets.
Carlos the Jackal to be tried for more crimes.
The FCC should not try to play mommy and daddy.
Conservatives launch video-sharing site to combat perceived YouTube bias.
The left's fear of boogie-man Karl Rove is pathological. They care that Rove coached Justice Dept. employee before congressional hearings.
Imus sues for $120 million. Both CBS and MSNBC had delay buttons, but didn't use them to edit the comments for which he was fired. Looks like trouble for both companies.
Newspaper runs ads for people to help build Iran's nuclear reactors.
In an attempt to fake people out on her long standing position supporting invading Iraq, until we actually invaded, Hillary is trying to revoke the authorization for war.
Group wants chimp to be declared a person. Don't they realize how much this dehumanizes humans? This is another outstanding example of liberal lunacy.
Charles Krauthammer takes on George Tenet and all attempts to rewrite the history on who supported invading Iraq.
David Limbaugh points out how the left is trying to stamp out discussion and debate on its entire agenda. Liberals never supported free speech except for themselves, and they're getting worse.
The foreign minister of Iraq makes an eloquent plea for continuing international support.
Praise for Tony Blair.
Fred Thompson points out the improvement of the lives of women and children in Afghanistan.
Victor Davis Hanson says Americans look to celebrity freak shows to distract them from the very grave problems and difficult solutions we face today. Unfortunately, these distractions just allow the problems to get worse.
Pat Buchanan points out the idiocy of bringing former Soviet states into NATO.
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