Republicans warn Bush that he must show progress in Iraq by fall.
Bush discussed voter fraud cases of ousted attorneys. As well he should. It's good to see he was making the Justice Dept. follow his crime fighting agenda. If only he had such control over his Iraq policy. It seems another attorney was asked to leave, making a total of 9. So what?
Defending extraordinary renditions. The problem is the Bush administration severely abused these renditions, and we may lose them as an intelligence tool.
US jury convicts Chinese spy.
Tony Blair will step down on June 27. Just like Bush, Iraq will be his legacy.
The facist thug president of Russia compares the US to the Third Reich. Funny.
The Iraqi parliament voted for a bill, sponsored by al Sadr, to force a cap on troops and a timetable for US withdrawal. It's ironic that Sadr is forced to use the political process to fight US troops.
Japan opens baby hatch. The goal may be to insure that babies get homes, but I think it further devalues babies and will only accelerate Japan's and other countries' decline.
Reason interview with expert on Iranian-US relations.
Boortz highlights the story of Jeff May, who I had never heard of before either. When he was a high-school sophomore, armed only with a pencil, May charged a school shooter and saved an unknown number of lives by his bravery. Boortz has a theory why this story wasn't trumpeted like most school shootings - it highlights individual heroism, a concept hated by the left.
Boortz reports that the terrorists planning to attack Fort Dix were illegal immigrants smuggled in from Mexico. Who could have ever guessed such a thing could happen?
Essay praising the FairTax.
Lawrence Kudlow says Democrats will lose the White House because on their typical positions of two key policies - national defense and taxes. If Hillary runs, her overwhelming unpopularity will be the third reason she loses.
Dick Morris says Royal's loss doesn't bode well for Hillary because voters judge women more harshly than men. Interesting. I was hoping France really wanted to move away from socialism. Fred Thompson thins maybe we've been mistaking the French press and elite for the French people. I hope he's right. Ann Coulter agrees, and points out that Europeans nations are all voting for pro-American candidates.
Iraqi dentist says al Qaeda is on the ropes and asks US to stay and fight to win.
John Stossel says more than 1/2 of the US population gets a major portion of their income from the federal government.
Thomas Sowell points out that bookstores often categorize books by black authors into special ghettos in the bookstore.
Victor Davis Hanson exposes Democrats' motives on the Iraq war.
George Will exposes the world bank as a hindrance to development.
Walter Williams explains why minimum wage hikes hurt unskilled workers.
Robert Novak says the Democrats treated the President of Columbia so badly that we may have lost a much needed ally in South America.
Tom Delay belatedly but accurately describes the Republican woes in the 2006 election.
Thomas Sowell discusses the double standard of so-called scandals in Washington.
Remains of James Doohan lost after trip to space. It must have been a transporter malfunction.
Purdue researchers claim they have invented changes to the internal combustion engine that can make it 15 to 20% more efficient.
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