Democrats' new Iraq war plan calls for funding only 3 more months, then reviewing. I wrote a few weeks back that this was the smartest move they could make. They were dumb to try to defund the war, and take ownership of defeat, first. The only problem I have with this plan - Congress has the power of the purse - is that Democrats have no intention of providing a fair hearing in 3 months. Bush vows to veto. I don't think he'll win that battle. I think Democrats finally settled on a policy that will work for them.
Congress is planning to force us to change light bulbs. This is crap. Let the free market work.
Vegan couple sentenced to life in prison for starving their baby by feeding it only soy milk and apple juice. Isn't that what mothers have fed their babies for millions of years? Liberalism in action - feeling they were smarter than nature. They deserve every second of time they serve.
Consequences of climate change are much smaller than alarmist predictions.
UN reports that a rapid shift to biofuels could have environmental and economic repercussions. Talk about stating the obvious.
Study shows that Hispanic immigrants are not socially conservative. Of course they're not. Why do you think Democrats are inviting them in and trying to make them citizens?
Cheney in Iraq to try and convince government not to go on hiatus. If they go on hiatus, Democrats will cut off funds, and I would have a hard time finding a reason to object. It goes back to one of my original criticisms of the war - we should never have empowered a national government before we had established order, local , and regional governments in that order. We should have assisted the Iraqis in building a reliable national government from the ground up, so everybody could have discovered who had the nation's best interest at heart, not the top down.
This goes back to the problem of titanic government in America. Our leaders wanted to put an Iraqi face on government as soon as possible, but because of their institutional bias for a dominant central government, they were unable to acknowledge that most government should be at the local level. That's where people should interact with government. This is another of the problems created by titanic, overbearing central government.
NATO air raid kills 21 civilians in Afghanistan. Once again, Afghanis are upset about civilian casualties. Terrorists kill hundreds of civilians in bombs every day - we're used to it, but everybody gets upset when the good guys kill civilians. Nobody wants civilians to die (except the terrorists), but civilian casualties are unavoidable in war. We can't allow the prosecution of wars to fail because of fear of civilian casualties. The cost of failure is immeasurably higher.
Palestinian growth restricted. Duh! If they would stop attacking Israel every day, those restrictions could be lifted.
4 more suspects arrested in Britain for 7/7 bombings.
I don't usually list stories like this, but I think it highlights the social degeneration of the west, which I think is caused by big government policies restricting the freedom and taking away the responsibility of the individual. Girls in Perth killed another girl as an experiment to see if they would feel remorse.
Guantanamo to become US welcome center for Cubans. Makes sense to me.
Reason doesn't like the new Federal hate crime bill. Nobody should like it. If we're not free to hate, we're not free.
Reason discusses a new book on Reagan.
Apparently there is political intrigue involving George Soros behind Wolfowitz' struggles at the World Bank.
Scientists discover gene that separates humans from our great ape ancestors.
Newscorp is buying photobucket. I hope it stays free.
Boortz reports that the FairTax bill, HR25 now has 60 sponsors, and he's making a plea for the Columbia, SC. rally.
City of Tuscon stops citizen from burning Mexican flag. Come on already. When you burn the American flag, it's free speech, and rightly so. Same with burning the Mexican flag.
Nancy Pelosi is threatening to sue the President over signing statements. Bush has set a record with them, but in my mind, they're nothing more than his directions in application of the law. I say that because he has no choice but to follow the law. So I don't see the big deal. If we find that government is doing something in violation of the law based on a Presidential signing statement, then we should act to make government compliant with the law and bring signing statements into compliance. (Don't laugh at that compliance thing. I know our government and representatives have no respect for law, but I don't support that.)
Federally mandated sick days, like pretty much all federal mandates, are a terrible idea. The free market provides optimum solutions to these kind of problems, not government mandates.