Boortz reports that the FairTax rally across the street from the Republican debate was a complete success.
Republican debate. Transcript. Nobody wants to mention that Ron Paul won the post-debate texting poll. And Ron Paul did not say we were responsible for 9/11. Here's the exchange. Giuliani tried to words put in Paul's mouth to make much needed points for himself. Ron Paul pointed out that US interventionism has consequences, and he's exactly right. I disagree with Paul about pulling out of Iraq, but of all the people who want to pull out, he's the only one who has made a reasonable, sincere case. Paul was also the only candidate who wants to reduce the size of government instead of just making minor changes to the status quo. Boortz has more on Ron Paul. The media refuse to acknowledge that American is still libertarian at heart. Cato's take.
GOP on interrogation techniques. I'll say it again - waterboarding is not torture. Not even close. All it does is scare the subject. And McCain was flat wrong. The question posited by Brit Hume was that bombs had gone off in the US, another bomb was strongly suspected, and a terrorist at Guantanamo had the details. This is a no-brainer. You waterboard the terrorist and get the information. If you don't agree with me, look at it from the other perspective. Are you going to get up and say to the American people, "I could have saved all those lives, but I chose to let those Americans die because I refused to water-board a terrorist for the information to stop the attack, even though that technique would not have hurt him in any way, just scared him for a few minutes." Any President who chooses to allow Americans to die knowing full well he could have prevented it by water-boarding a terrorist should be tried for treason. Talk about aiding and abetting the enemy, and the result of that aid would be dead Americans.
New alarmist propaganda claims we only have 5 years to save the planet. As if the planet cares what we do. The global warming con men know they can't sustain this con, so they're pushing hard for changes that hurt people by slowing human development before they're completely exposed. Scientists are already seeing through the con.
Illegal immigrants sue company for back wages after they were captured and deported. How do they have standing?
Cato's immigration plan gets it mostly right, except for the part of rewarding gate crashers with citizenship. Doing that would flood this country with another 60 million illegal immigrants, and it's stupid. The gate crashers have to leave and go to the end of the line in their own countries so we reward immigrants for playing by the rules, not breaking them.
Chinese missiles to target US aircraft carriers. We're going to sit around and pretend China isn't an enemy until China finally attacks us. We need to treat China as the enemy it is right now so we can win the war with China without ever firing a shot.
North Korea is developing a new, longer range missile thanks to its Soviet and Chinese patrons. This is only one front in their new Cold War of Terror.
Sarkozy takes office.
EU to crack down on illegal immigration.
More fighting in Gaza. I don't know why I bother posting this. Dog bites man and all that.
US fails to build enough housing for construction personnel in Iraq.
Prince Harry must feel like a ping-pong ball. Now he's not going to Iraq.
The "chicken littles" were right about the Patriot Act.
Do drug ads make us sick?
Reason on Jerry Falwell.
Survival rates are soaring for cancer.
Was Osama bin Laden correct when he claimed America was the weaker superpower? Democrats are trying to make him correct.
Tony Blankley says the 2008 presidential race will probably be a freak show.
John Stossel wants smaller government, and says that lowering taxes gives a false appearance of smaller government.
Hillary and Obama plan to vote to cut of funding for the war.
Mike Adams, as dogmatic a conservative as you'll ever meet, explains that freedom of speech, protected by the first amendment, is more important than ideology. Too bad liberals don't agree. It's normal for liberals to try and censor opposing points of view, but not conservatives.
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