Portion of Iraq's daily oil production is missing. It's a good bet al Qaeda and insurgents are getting some of that money. Imagine how much worse it will be if we choose to lose the war.
Russia out-competes US and EU for pipeline deal. If we really wanted that deal for strategic reasons, why did we let Russia out-compete us?
Congressman says the federal response to was inadequate because of race. That's just ridiculous.
Religious groups lobbying Washington for earmarks. Everybody else is doing it, so it's human nature to try to get some of those handouts.
Big business is backing health care reform.
Greenspan warns about coming recession.
How humans advance with computers.
Open letter from Gen. Petraeus to troops demanding better behavior.
Why Bush fights wars like a Democrat.
Excellent essay describing the great global warming con from the very liberal Nation magazine.
Ralph Peters says that our army generals, excepting Gen. Petraeus, no longer know how to fight to win. Similar sentiment regarding the trail of Haditha Marines.
Iraqi officials lobby Congress to stay and fight to win in Iraq.
Democrats back off promises for lobbying reform. That was predictable (and predicted).
Praise for John Stossel. The author points out that Stossel began his career with a liberal mindset, but through his investigations he became libertarian. That clears up some confusion for me, because I remember when he started, and he was a flaming liberal, but now he does a great job as an honest reporter about government versus the free market. Now I know what happened to change him.
Pat Buchanan questions Rudy Guiliani's wisdom in declaring himself pro-choice.
Advocating clean coal.
5 things you can't say in America. These are really politically incorrect.
Petraeus's letter indicates that we are going to lose this war regardless of the amount of troops or the amount of time we are there.
ReplyDeleteSo, since as Petraeus's letter indicates, defeat is certain, I am forced to say - Bring our Troops Home Now. If the government isn't going to let them win, then keeping them out there spilling their blood is tantamount to the Bush Administration murdering them.
Please understand, I am a conservative, but after seeing all the soldiers that Bush has arrested for doing their jobs, I can't be a Bush-bot. Fight to win or don't fight at all. There is no other option.