Compromise Iraq spending bill has no timetables but plenty of pork.
Body found in Iraq confirmed as 1 of 3 missing US soldiers.
New UN sanctions won't make Iran stop enriching uranium.
Israel arrests top Hamas officials for promoting rocket attacks on Israel.
Militants in Lebanon refugee camp attempt to escape, but are sunk by Lebanese navy.
Al Qaeda torture manual.
Congress considers net access tax ban. A ban on taxes is a good ban.
Corruption affecting justice worldwide.
Monica Goodling finally testifies about the firing of US Attorneys.
Draconian penalties for crack cocaine. While this is abusive, it's one of the least significant problems of the war on drugs.
How the market reacts to protect consumers from tainted food.
Girls face hate crime charges for handing out flier. Sorry, but the first amendment even covers intolerance.
Carbon taxes versus carbon markets to stall the advancement of humanity and increase the death and suffering of billions? Both are stupid. We should grow human wealth and development to better adapt to inevitable climate change.
Is it worth saving Lebanon?
China circumvents US and starts its own space club.
Gas stations stop selling gas. Boortz impolitely criticizes the gasoline price-gouging bill.
Online database tracks terrorist attack statistics.
Gay men can't donate blood. This made sense in 1983, but now we have reliable HIV tests and a shortage of blood.
"Islam versus Islamists" will finally air on TV.
Google and Dell accused of using spyware.
NPR's primer on Hamas and Fatah.
Cato suggests offering to normalize relations with Iran before they get the bomb. Do we really want normal relations with a terrorist state? That's like saying we should have normalized relations with the Soviet Union. They'd still be around if we had. I just prefer to defeat the Iranians economically. We should stop doing business with any company that does business with Iran. Dick Morris identifies the Dodd-Lantos bill as first step. Right now we're just being soft, and it's stupid.
Thomas Sowell takes a third shot at the fraudulent immigration bill. He's mistaken about employers being able to identify illegal immigrants. All an employer needs to check is a valid ID including a birth certificate, and document that ID. No employer would be charged if he accepted a counterfeit ID, and he couldn't be sued if the prospective employee failed to produce valid ID. If such suits occurred, the federal government should act to stop them.
Dick Morris says that Republicans should support the fraudulent immigration bill, or they will lose any Hispanic vote. Morris advocates selling out the country to save the party. That's what both parties have been doing for decades.
Free trade with China in jeopardy. The solution to the trade imbalance with China is to adopt the FairTax and balance the budget by cutting spending. Adopting the FairTax will allow US workers and companies to compete with their Chinese counterparts on a level playing field, no longer penalized by our income tax. America will win. Balancing the budget takes away China's ability to leverage our debt against us.
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