Democrats propose only funding Iraq war through July. Hopefully that will turn off a few of their members so it won't pass.
Terra Haute, Indiana hosts nuclear terrorism simulation.
10 more combat brigades to go to Iraq by end of year.
China and Russia deny claims they are sending weapons to Darfur. They are providing financial, military, technical, and diplomatic support to terrorist groups all over the world. Why not Sudan?
Iranian students fight for democracy.
Reason points out that botched prosecutions like Mike Nifong's prosecution of the Duke lacrosse team abound.
Reason asks why prostitution is illegal.
The problem with sub-prime lending.
Europe's Galileo GPS system, being developed by committee, is naturally failing. This is not a free-market enterprise.
More on brightest supernova.
Herod's tomb found.
Boortz thinks Hillary has a problem now that Segolene Royal was so resoundingly beaten in France. The similarities are remarkable (except that Royal is pretty good looking). I keep saying the concern I have with Hillary's nomination is that she will get spanked so badly that Republicans will claim a mandate and continue to badly mismanage the country.
Boortz reports that the US taxpayers, you and me, are going to pay war reparations to Guam for the suffering of its people under Japanese occupation.
Kansas City airport puts foot washing basins in restrooms for Muslims. That's just gross.
The continuing emasculation of society.
Demographic shifts in the US.
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