Al Qaeda's number 2 man, Zawahiri, mocks Democrats' retreat and defeat bill.
Crowd supports suspended Pakistani Justice.
Turkish parliament fails to elect sectarian president.
Israel accused of prisoner abuse. Notice how nobody ever accuses al Qaeda or Iran of prisoner abuse?
Egyptian bloggers jailed. I bet nobody complains about their abuse.
Iconic climatologist blasts the human caused global warming con.
GOP support for Iraq war would likely waiver if no results are seen by fall. Like I've been saying, the timetable for withdrawal for Iraq is basically set by the next election cycle. Democrats would have been wise to stick to rhetoric and allow the natural cycle to play out.
House passes bill forbidding genetic discrimination.
Kansas is considering a health care plan that emphasizes the free market.
Hillary, Richardson, and Biden all take credit for bill that would revoke Iraq war authorization. Once again, this is unconstitutional. If Democrats want to end the war, they have to cut off the funding for the troops.
Disillusioned Republicans are supporting Obama. I always laugh at this crap about uniting the country, as if Bush did anything to divide it. Take a look at the Iraq war votes again. We were united until Democrats chose to divide us. And why would anybody think America would unite behind a socialist?
Ralph Peters considers what land Israel should give up to appease the international community.
Excellent, politically incorrect, examination of illegal immigration and its relation to the welfare state. This is a must read. The article points out that Eisenhower rounded up and deported a small percentage of illegal aliens, and the rest packed up and went home. The argument that we can't deport them all is a fraud, and always has been. If we take away the benefits and the jobs, and we make it clear any illegal immigrant caught in the US will never be allowed to come back, illegal immigrants will pack up, go home, and apply to return legally. This is a no-brainer.
A comparison of US and European demographics.
Labor unions and their Democratic patrons prefer threatening to break kneecaps to private ballots. What's so funny is that they actually claim that private ballots enable coercion, when obviously the opposite is true.
How Democrats use feigned outrage to silence any opposition.
George Will discusses Hank Aaron.
Democrats' own culture of corruption - out entire government is corrupt. The Bush administration is remarkable for its lack of corruption - and competence.
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