If we don't acknowledge that China and Russia are waging war against us right now, a new Cold War of Terror, and fight to win that Cold War, we'll end up in a hot war against 1 billion Chinese when they're our technological equal or superior.
The Pentagon also worries about China's space program. We express concern.
Sadr returns to Iraq and calls for the withdrawal of US troops.
US General says Iran trained Iraqi terrorists for mission.
Iran warns Israel not to attack Lebanon. If the Arab countries could uproot Israel, they would do it today. That Ahmadinejad character needs a good ass kicking.
Iran claims the US is trying to sabotage its nuclear program. I should hope so.
Al Qaeda group threatens France because they elected Sarkozy. For obvious reasons, al Qaeda wants leftists in power.
Claiming to support the troops out of one side of their mouths, Clinton and Obama vote to cut off funds for them.
US finally sends aid to Lebanese government.
US rejects German greenhouse gas cut proposal.
Scientist argues that since families are deteriorating and very young kids don't get the nurturing we need, kids should go to school (no doubt government schools) earlier. That's exactly the wrong approach. We need to strengthen families by getting government off their backs , increasing personal freedom and personal responsibility, not forcing more government on families.
Cellphones can disable smart car keys. How funny. Nice job of design and testing, Nissan.
How did I miss the designer vagina craze?
Pat Buchanan explains why Democrats caved to Bush on Iraq funding.
Ralph Peters takes on the fraudulent human rights movement.
This guy says Britain should back Hugo Chavez instead of America. Maybe he should move back to Cuba.
Victor Davis Hanson provides an accurate assessment of the state of the War on Terror, and it's so twisted you'll want to laugh, but be ashamed for wanting to.
Bill Clinton does high paid work for company that works to defraud senior citizens. Nothing unexpected there.
Colleges failing to teach military history.
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