Palestinian civil war expands.
Iraqi death squads are increasing murders.
Rice and Putin meet over missile defense.
Canadian publisher buys Reuters.
Bush finally names war czar - has to draft an active duty officer.
Pentagon limits soldiers' web access.
Another Guantanamo detainee follows the terrorist script and claims torture. This one claims mental torture. I'm sure being locked up as a prisoner of war is tough. It's supposed to be. Wow. In another incredible abuse by the press, the original story did not report the man's claims which include being forced to use unscented deodorant. Sounds more like camp than a prison.
Rupert Murdoch says beer causes climate change. Now the prohibitionists will jump on the global warming bandwagon.
Christopher Hitchens exposes the plot to oust Wolfowitz from the world bank in another bogus, liberal scandal.
Boortz highlights Barack Obama's latest communist policy - and he has plenty of them.
Pro-gun essay.
In the face of ever increasing long range missile threats, Democrats cut missile defense funding.
The decline of America - professor may be fired for emailing George Washington speech.
Cato says we should live with climate change. Even though it comes to the right conclusion, this is incredible hubris because it pretends we have a choice in determining earth's climate. We don't. The climate has changed since the dawn of time, and it will continue changing no matter what we do for the foreseeable future. Growing wealth so we can adapt is the only reasonable option. If we do that well, at some time in the future we should be able to have Star Trek like control of climate.
Cato thinks we're headed for amnesty for illegal aliens. It seems to me that the Congress is fortunately again going to fail to pass that kind of destructive bill. All we need to do is enforce current laws to stop the flow of illegals, then we can change legal immigration quotas to make sure we have enough labor.
As if the White House privacy board would give an unbiased account of the state of privacy in America. It's just stupid to have to worry about our privacy anyway. If our government was in fact constitutional - only had the powers enumerated in the Constitution - we wouldn't have to worry about privacy. We need to get back to constitutional government.
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