US warns Iran to stop arming Iraqi terrorists. We had to have meetings to say that? Haven't we made that toothless warning perfectly clear already?
EU considers making Holocaust denial a crime. Yet another assault on free speech.
Shutting down TV station sparks Venezuelan riots in protest.
Christopher Hitchens welcomes the change in France.
Clinton campaign infighting. No matter what they do, they'll never be able to put enough lipstick on Hillary to win a general election. She's tried for 15 years to paint herself as likable, and it just gets worse and worse.
Australian hotel bans heterosexuals and lesbians. Can you imagine if anyplace tried to ban gays?
Ownership dispute over discovery of record treasure wreck.
A reminder of Barry Goldwater's take on foreign policy.
China's new focus is aircraft carriers.
Israel is considering surrendering the Golan Heights to Syria. Syria will then arm the Golan Heights to the teeth with missiles for a subsequent attack on Israel. This is just stupid.
Jack Murtha uses earmarks to buy votes.
Democrat hypocrisy on the campaign trail. I'd love to read about the Republicans doing the same thing.
China continues developing cyber-weapons.
Hillary's plan for federally funded preschool - it's all part of the bigger cradle-to-the-grave control for liberals.
The amnesty bill could be another bad Carl Rove political move.
Phylis Schlafly calls the immigration bill a sellout.
Cato discusses the problems with the national ID card.
Cato disagrees with the cost of illegal immigration released by the Heritage Foundation.
Cato discusses earmark reform. It won't happen until we have government reform.
Cato points out the government failures and private sector successes in dealing with Katrina. The government should not be in the business of charity. Cato is exactly right when it identifies the government role in disasters as search and rescue, policing, and infrastructure repair - not as a titanic insurance policy.
Cato says our so-called war on drugs undermines our war in Afghanistan. It also undermines our freedom, our lives, law and order, our government, and our borders.
Cato explains why federal aid to the states is bad for America.
Cato analyzes trade with China.
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