Federal government approves medical study without patients' consent.
Low caste Indians to convert to Buddhism.
Cheney explains why providing Geneva protection for terrorists is stupid.
Anti-missile missile test called off. Shooting down missiles is tough, so naturally, when the going gets tough, the Democrats run away.
US and Iraqi forces free 42 captives of al Qaeda in Iraq.
Crisis over security contractors in Iraq.
NASA looks for private sector investment for lunar missions.
Burger companies sue Jack in the Box over ads that hint about confusing the word Angus with anus. If you call your beef 'Angus', you have to live with the jokes.
Mark Steyn says that just little bit of enforcing our existing laws against illegal immigration will incentivize illegal aliens to leave. I've been saying that for a decade, and I think that every American knows it. The fact is, liberals, employers of illegals, and Republicans and Democrats don't want the illegal aliens to go home.
George Will reports how a government protected Taxi cartel has been broken, but the cartel is suing because it faces competition. This is exactly backwards.
Hillary voted for a timetable in Iraq, then she voted to cut off funds even though she had promised for years she would never do either. This is a dog bites man story for the Clintons. It's so commonplace nobody will even blink.
Austin Bay provides a sobering look at Iraq. He mentions that it will take until 2012 to win in Iraq, and he's right. When Bush first proposed this invasion, I said it would take a decade to remake Iraq as self-governing, economically free, stable, and able to defend itself. I think Bush's biggest mistake was thinking otherwise. I'm glad more and more commentators are finally speaking out about how long it will take to win.
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