Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Security comes from freedom

Response to Why America was Nuked:

If our representatives, whom we elected, are leading us to inevitable defeat, why did we re-elect them? Why have we re-elected the same two failed parties every two years? How come we didn't vote for representatives who want to reduce the size of government, reduce Americans' dependency on government, and thereby empower Americans to fight the war on terror, and focus government on winning the war on terror?

It's no accident that the only people who fought back on 9/11 were private citizens on one lonely airliner. Our government is over-burdened and ill-equipped to deal with terrorists. Just look at the debacle caused by Boston officials last week. Our government has to work hard to destroy education and health care. It has to jail people for having a joint in their pockets. Our government has to modify and collect income tax every day. Our government has to protect big corporations from competition from small entrepreneurs. Our government is busy granting amnesty to illegal aliens. All that destruction of freedom and our way of life takes a lot of resources - big government resources that we vote for and have to pay for.

Our government is way too busy with these activities to effectively protect anybody from terrorism. Imagine one parent trying to restrict multiple kids of different ages every minute of every day. It's not possible. But we keep electing the same two parties and the same people every two years like clockwork to treat us like children, and do a far worse job.

If we want security, we have to vote for freedom. Adopt the FairTax. Reduce the size and scope of government so it can focus on security, and so can we. Free the people from the department of destruction of education. Free the people from government interference in health care. Stop companies from hiring illegal aliens and stop government from providing benefits so we can control our southern border. End the war on drugs to free Americans and disarm our enemies: the Mexican drug cartels, the Taliban, and drug gangs like MS13 and others.

Security comes from freedom - not dependency. Free America. Secure America. Vote third party.

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