Meeting to resolve supposed climate deadlock. Once again, the Democrats, and now some Republicans, have it exactly wrong. As more and more excellent science emerges linking climate change to solar activity, politicians are uniting to attack our economy. We will need the most wealth and technology possible to mitigate damage from climate change, but government will cripple us anyway. Global warming hearing canceled because of ice storm. You have to love the irony. Greenland glaciers melting at variable rate - not accelerating as hysterics claim. Canada votes to make itself less capable to deal with climate change.
Cornelus de Jager on solar driven climate change. Ilya Usoskin on solar driven climate change. IPCC propaganda for policy makers - released 4 months before the actual science is going to be released.
Slate calls Bush's North Korea deal "Clintonesque." That shows just how bad it is.
EU report accuses some members of working with CIA on renditions. European nations and the EU are in a fight for power. It's one thing to make an economic block, and quite another to surrender sovereignty to a higher authority.
Because we haven't adopted the FairTax that allows American made goods and therefore American workers to compete fairly in the world market, Chrysler to cut 13,000 jobs.
California votes to change Presidential primary from June to February. Other states considering the same. This will have the effect of hurting turning and increasing burnout in the campaign.
Backlash against President Bush still apparent in polls for 2008 Presidential candidates.
Dick Morris thinks Newt fills a conservative need and should declare to run.
Army issuing more waivers for criminal backgrounds for recruits.
NFL rejected Superbowl ad recruiting for border patrol calling it "controversial."
Freshman Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison, famous for taking his oath of office on the Koran, called the cops on Republican Congressman on Tom Tancredo because Tancredo was smoking a cigar in his own office. Now we know that Ellison has no respect for the rights of anybody else. Yet Americans elected him to office. Hopefully they'll fix that in 2008.
Mexican drug gangs taunting each other on YouTube.
Illinois bill hopes to bar school and library computers from accessing social networking sites.
Ralph Peters describes the many flavors and ethnicities involved in modern Islam.
Deadly bombs in Iraq made by Iranian special forces unit - Quds.
The bionic woman is back! Nananananananana
John Stossel points out how government has screwed up health care, and how more government will screw it up far more.
But forbidding California to pursue dumb ideas is a mistake. As I've pointed out the last two weeks, the American founders showed their genius by dividing power between the states and central government.Walter Williams exposes the terrible effects of big-government socialized medicine.Let the states experiment! Universal coverage is a feel-good idea that many people want Washington to impose. Better to have models of failure in individual states so we all don't have to suffer! We need living reminders of collectivism's faults. Without the Soviet Union, I fear that Americans will forget its horrors.
There's a cure for our health care problems. That cure is not to demand more government but less government. I challenge anyone to identify a problem with health care in America that is not caused or aggravated by federal, state and local governments. And, I challenge anyone to show me people dying on the streets because they don't have health insurance.Thomas Sowell tells us the rest of the story behind the $10,000 offer for dissenting opinions on global warming. It turns out think tanks always pay contributors for their work on any subject. It's compensation, not a bribe.
A nice Australian points out the irrationality of intellectual dishonesty of the hate America crowd.
CATO considers the Iraq war a lost cause. America defeated the Japanese and helped defeat the Germans, then we occupied and rebuilt both countries into thriving, self-governing, economically free nations while fighting a war in Korea, implementing the Marshal Plan, and fighting the Cold War. To think America cannot turn Iraq into a thriving, self-governing, economically powerful nation right now is just silly. The only thing stopping us is our own will.
The US still does a terrible job of mobilizing all it's agencies to win wars.
Rich Lowry explains how Republicans got funding the military backwards.
Ohio governor says Ohio will not accept any Iraqi refuges. What a jerk.
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