US captures weapons making facility, using Iranian parts, in Iraq.
Taliban unsuccessfully target Vice President Cheney in assassination attempt at US base in Afghanistan. Security concerns have dogged trip.
4 Somalian pirates captured. US warship on the way.
US doubts Iranian claim of launched rocket.
School choice in Oakland outperforms micromanagement in Compton.
Federal government helps illegal aliens send money back to Mexico, cheap.
Ron Paul campaigns in New Hampshire.
Democrats fail to implement campaign promises.
Honeybees are vanishing nationwide.
Chinese stock market fall pulls down US stocks.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali should be a role model for Muslim immigrants.
Tomb could belong to Jesus, wife, and son. Or not.
Reason wants to know who you won't vote for.
Girl Scouts do not cause obesity.
British government threatens to take child from parents because he is way too fat.
Al Gore is an energy hog.
George Will describes Congress' bill to remove private balloting for unionization. Since unions are declining because of competition, they want government protection.
Rudy Giuliani says Republicans must remake themselves as the party of freedom. Good luck! Note to Rudy: the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. He doesn't mention eliminating entitlements, government interference in health care, or the Department of Education. He doesn't mention holding spending flat or adopting the FairTax. This is just typical Republican big-government relativism compared to Democrats.
NASA's New Horizon's spacecraft will flyby Jupiter on it's way to Pluto.
I linked to the Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Girl Scout articles in my blog tonight, too! :-) I added a bit of commentary. You'll have to look under pictures of koalas (bisexual ones were discovered recently) and adult zoo pandas getting...friendly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the rest of the kibbles! Great as always.