Politically incorrect book on climate change.
"Societies choose how to adapt," he continues. "Do they create wealth, become richer and more technologically adept to deal with something that's always there--unpredictable and severe weather--or do they what Europe used to do, and seems to be on the cusp of doing again now, which is look for witches to burn?"Somebody forgot to tell Indian scientists that man-made global warming was settled science. Study shows Greenland's glacier melt is not accelerating, but variable.
House Democrats follow Senate Democrats' lead and bar debate on Iraq resolution. Only their version will make it to the floor, and the minority Republicans can't stop it or offer alternatives. This shows how empty the Democrats are of ideas - they can't allow debate because they know they'll lose big time. This article doesn't even mention that Democrats have in fact refused to allow debate. Boortz thinks more Americans will die because of this resolution.
Iraq closes borders with Iran and Syria. This is a great step, why haven't they been closed all along? Austrian sniper rifles exported to Iran confiscated from terrorists in Iraq.
Our failure to support democracy in Muslim Tunisia.
Women's rights bill introduces in Pakistan. That ought to cause plenty of violence and anti-American sentiment.
Atlanta indicts cops in deadly drug raid to hide the deeper, systemic problems that led to the fraudulent raid.
CIA official to be indicted on fraud.
The government shields itself from hazardous materials lawsuits.
The Department of Education will open an Arabic public school in New York. Did I mention we should abolish the Department of Education?
Bank of America offers credit card to costumers with no credit history or SSN, supposedly targeted at illegal aliens.
Hillary invokes Bill to hide her overwhelming flaws. She's opened the door to a scathing review of Clinton years. Why she would think America wants to be reminded of those years is beyond me. Bill couldn't even get 45% of the vote.
Fred Thompson blasts Fitzgerald and unaccountable, all-powerful independent prosecutors.
Mice cloned from skin cells.
Russia investigating reports that Russian conscripts were used as male prostitutes.
New NASA astronaut screening test.
Cheney and Libby will not testify at Libby's witchhunt.
Our policy to bring about democracy in China is obviously a failure. Because we're making China rich:
First and foremost, the Chinese regime’s ability to deliver continued economic growth has prolonged its ability to govern.There's nothing ironic about this. The Chinese people are getting rich. Why would they want change?
Ironically, impressive economic growth has bolstered the government’s legitimacy and reduced pressures for it to liberalize politically.The people of China will only demand change when they think they're government is failing them, which means we have to stop making them rich while we still have enough influence.
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