We can't win the War on Terror, with Iran and North Korea acting with the military, financial, and diplomatic support of China and Russia to drain our resources, without acknowledging and addressing this Cold War, and if India joins first, winning will be 1 billion more people harder.
Our peaceful ally Russia threatens to pull out of missile treaty because the US can intercept missiles. Putin doesn't want anybody to survive his attacks. How come our government can't tell this is a new Cold War?
Eastonia to remove Soviet statue against Kremlin wishes. Now Putin is getting involved in other countries statues, trying to preserve the Soviets.
Daimler considers dumping Chrysler because the penalty of the US income tax keeps it from competing on a level playing field with overseas companies. We need to adopt the FairTax to allow American workers and American products to compete fairly. Companies moving to Netherlands because of tax policy. Adopting the FairTax would bring those companies and their jobs to the US.
Congress is butting further into the health care business, making it ever more expensive.
Madrid bombers go on trial.
Leaked Iraq war plan estimated 5,000 US troops in Iraq at end of 2006. So much for Democrats' bull that Bush had no plan. As I've said all along, the plan just sucked.
Christian divisions play a role in Lebanon's strife, but to claim that their differences are more significant than the Shia / Sunni problems is intellectually dishonest.
Hamas cabinet resigns. New cabinet will balance Hamas and Fatah.
Did Bush change direction to get a North Korea deal to free him to attack Iran?
Passengers trapped on JetBlue planes for 10 hours. The free market is responding with a petition for a passengers' bill of rights. Watch government interfere on the side of the airlines against the people.
GOP Presidential candidate reintroduces video game ratings bill in Senate. They'll keep introducing it year after year until it passes. That's how it works.
Bizarre ending to the Libby trial.
Tancredo won't give up his cigars. Despite Ellison's call to the police, smoking is legal in private offices in Congress.
New book out on libertarians. It's funny that up until the beginning of the 20th century, our government was dominated and restricted by libertarian ideals, but in the span of our grandfathers' lifetime, libertarians have become radicals.
New Foxnews news spoof to take on Obama.
National greeting card site lampoons Democrats. Yuk!
Thomas Sowell mentions several, prominent global warming skeptics.
Putin's double-talk exposes his anti-American agenda. That's why he's teamed up with China and they're wooing India to join their new Cold War of Terror.
Was Cleopatra ugly?
Red light cameras work.
Victor Davis Hanson says we should crack Ahmadinejad with many points of pressure.
George Will profiles a Republican long-shot.
Republicans should reinvigorate federalism. No kidding.
I like the way Ralph Peters thinks. He thinks we should expose Muqtada al Sadr as a coward for fleeing Iraq, and we should do the same to all the terrorist leaders.
Even more important, there's a pattern emerging that goes far beyond Iraq:
* Mookie ran to Iran.
* Osama's so scared he won't let himself be photographed.
* Hassan Nasrullah of Hezbollah ducked for cover as soon as Israel started shooting.
* The key leaders of Hamas hide out in Damascus, not Gaza or the West Bank.
Anybody see a pattern here?
Not only does the effectiveness of leaders-in-hiding plummet, but it makes an obvious case - which we've failed to exploit - that the demagogues who order in the suicide bombers and the AK-armed "martyrs" are personally in no rush to enter paradise.
Yes, leaders in any organization have different responsibilities than their line doggies. But real leaders lead from the front sufficiently often to inspire the troops and stay grounded in reality.
What Mookie's hasty hejira to Hamadan tells us is that our fanatical enemies, Sunni and Shia, face a leadership crisis. The dons of terror are afraid.
If we can't take advantage of that, shame on us.
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