Venezuela buys country's largest power provider. The road to serfdom continues.
Gates claims US can prove Iran's role in Iraq.
Three illegal immigrants shot dead crossing border. The violence is just going to get worse until we get rid of their incentive for coming here.
Global warming zealots continue their disgusting comparison of skeptics to holocaust deniers. Pelosi and Democrats support hurting American economy even more.
Report claims special intelligence operation is illegal. Pentagon disagrees.
Liberal columnist claims Gonzales' firings of 7 prosecutors amounts to coup. I wonder what this guy said when Bill Clinton had Janet Reno fired all 93 US prosecutors. I guess it was OK then.
Violence at holy site of Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary.
Five charged in plot to kidnap and behead British soldier.
New charges listed against two Russian oil-man to legitimize Russian oil grab.
Brain scanner can read people's intentions.
Biotechnology threatens human dignity.
Did Boston's official's unwarrented panic really cost $1 million?
Boortz has a FairTax update from John Linder.
Unions are dying out, so Democrats are trying to remove a worker's right to vote in private whether or not to unionize.
Since the public is fed up with earmarks, representatives will do their pork spending in secret. How's that for responding to the people? Vote third party and kick all these crooks out of office.
Reporter thinks Petraeus can and will win in Iraq, but Washington may never acknowledge that victory. If the anti-war movement gets it's way, it will repeat it's failures forcing our defeat in Vietnam after we had already won. New offensive a mixed bag so far. Mahdi army lying low or fleeing to Iran and Syria. We need Petraeus to take charge.
I love to read the overseas assessments of US politics. It's a very different perspective outside the forest. My favorite line, though it's not representative of the article:
Hillary Clinton is busy modifying her previous modifications to position herself closer to the clearer antiwar stances of Barack Obama and John Edwards. On current trends, the three will soon be wearing bandanas, camping out in front of the White House, and openly considering signing Jane Fonda on to the ticket in 2008.Cato says Bush's budget lacks ambition. That's quite an understatement.
In a further bastardization of guilt in Boston's destructive overreaching to lite-brites, cartoon network's CEO resigns. Our entire nation is handling this exactly wrong. Boston's officials are to blame. Nobody else.
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