Bird flu hits turkey farm in Great Britain.
Bush requests $100 billion for wars in 2007, $145 billion for 2008. Pretty soon that will add up to some real money. I hope Congress does the oversight it promised.
How the Bush administration has abused renditions and cost us international support.
Iran organizes propaganda tour of select nuclear facilities for journalists and diplomats.
US envoy has hope for renewed 6 party talks on North Korea. I think North Korea is just playing us, hoping an embattled Bush administration will provide money and technology to them just like Clinton and Carter did. I think they've sold a nuke to Iran so Iran can test it and leave the world wondering if they're a nuclear power.
Space station moved to avoid debris of destroyed satellite.
NYC targets blacks for stops and frisks.
Former Coke employee faces 10 years in prison for trying to sell secret formula to Pepsi.
Victor Davis Hanson says Democrats are wise to simply bluster instead of taking responsibility for failure. He also points out that the next election will depend entirely on the outcome of the war in Iraq, and as a consequence, we can expect more of the same bad government from the two parties.
We are in a rare period in American political history, in which the battlefield alone will determine the next election, perhaps not seen since 1864. The economy, scandal, social issues, domestic spending, jobs, all these usual criteria and more pale in comparison to what happens in Iraq, where a few thousand brave American soldiers will determine our collective future.
Barry Casselman says the west is in a trance, and so far unable to respond the great and rapid changes in the world that threaten to destroy us.
Hillary's spin, spin, spin, finger in the wind on the Iraq war. She'll get a pass for her blatant changes in position for the next year and half, but the American people won't give her a pass at the polls.
Shocking news on the global warming front. My local news station just reported we haven't seen temperatures this cold in a year or so!
Why are liberals always surprised when blacks are successful?
Question. Why is it always liberals who seem so genuinely, overtly surprised when black candidates are viable candidates, and in their surprise, evoke old, damaging stereotypes about them? If you'll excuse a Bushism, I think it's because much of their political philosophy and existence depends upon misunderestimating minorities.xxx
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