Consumer revolt spurred via the internet. It's a lot easier to join forces here than in person, but mob mentality can happen here too.
Democrats' latest plan to defeat the US - gut authorization for war. Their commitment to our defeat, and their public embracing of plans to defeat us is amazing. It shows how sick America has become when we allow these kinds of attacks on our war efforts to grow. White House is against Congressional micromanagement of the war.
Chalabi gets role as Iraqi citizen advocate for the surge.
US arrests son of prominent Shiite politician for ties to Iran. Maliki forces release.
Cheney concerned about China. He ought to be more than concerned, and the administration is just making China richer and more powerful while they continue to use terrorist proxies to attack us.
Oil creeps up over $61. More money in the terrorists pockets. It's unconscionable that the government hasn't done something to restrict demand. As tight as supply and demand are on oil, a small change in demand could produce a large change in price.
Pakistan test fired a nuclear capable ballistic missile.
Bank of America defends illegal immigrant credit card, and they should. As long as it's American policy that illegal immigrants can come here and live and work, companies would be foolish not to address that market. The policy needs to be fixed in Washington, not by corporate America. This should highlight that terrorists are illegal immigrants, and can get credit cards as well. Our failure to control illegal immigration is going to kill a lot of Americans.
Are effective lie detectors ready for market?
The Supreme Court's decision overturning judgment against Philip Morris.
Court supports ban on dancing in bars. I don't see anything unconstitutional about this ban. Stupid? Yes. Unconstitutional? No. This ban should be repealed, just like all the others.
Boortz misses the point about Joe Lieberman switching parties. If Lieberman switches parties, Democrats would get the filibuster instead of Republicans. That loss isn't worth one more vote. Further, Republicans don't need another RINO - they have far too many already. And Lieberman can do more for the war effort by supporting it as a Democrat, where he stands out, than a Republican.
Vilsack already out of race for Democratic nomination.
Archaeologists claim Jesus' tomb found. His son's too. Far from undermining Christianity, even if true, Christians will never let it interfere with their beliefs.
Britain hired psychics to hunt for Osama bin Laden. Who says we aren't doing enough to find him?
Chimpanzees make spears and hunt with them.
Circumcision dramatically reduces risk of HIV infection.
First beaver spotted in New York City in 200 years. Insert beaver joke here.
Anybody who has ever worked in a highly collaborative environment knows that meetings make you dumber. They are huge productivity killers that also stifle innovation.
Pat Buchanan dumps on the Europeans and NATO.
Charles Krauthammer compares the slow bleed approach of House Democrats to the lawyer run war approach of the Senate, and dislikes both.
Mark Steyn examines America's allies and finds only steadfast Australia with Britain fading.
Thomas Sowell says unions artifically inflate the price of labor, just like the minimum wage, and cost jobs.
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