Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Free kibbles

Carbon tax gains supporters. We already have an income tax penalty compared to every trading partner that uses a VAT tax, which is most of them. A carbon tax would be just the same - American goods would be penalized compared to foreign goods, and America would continue hemorrhaging jobs overseas. Support the FairTax to allow Americans to compete on a level playing field with foreign workers.

Since Democrats wouldn't allow amendments, Republicans filibuster anti-war resolution.

Convicted terrorist a member of Iraqi parliament.

Countries are not paying their pledges for Iraq reconstruction. No doubt, they will point to the violence as the reason they won't invest, but investing would help resolve some violence. World support shows us exactly the world we made. Excepting a few good allies, everybody in the world sits around and lets the US resolve problems, never sacrificing, and blames us the entire way. We created a welfare world.

Prime Minister Maliki calls for Baghdad crackdown to start quickly. Apparently he isn't in charge of his security forces.

The latest NIE on Iraq seems to support Bush's new plan.

Iranian diplomat kidnapped in Iraq. Iran blames US.

Iran challenges Europeans to prove Holocaust occurred.

Fatah and Hamas leaders meet in Mecca in hopes to resolve differences.

Suicide bomber killed at Pakistan airport. Suicide bombings are increasing Pakistan.

Bush creates new military command for Africa.

Existing, cheap, safe drug fights cancer.

Second letter bomb in 2 days in UK.

Terror-free oil and voting with your dollars.

Police to fly unmanned surveillance drone.

Group wants to force married couple to have children or have marriage annulled.

Astronaut attacks astronaut over love triangle. At least they weren't in space when it happened.

Revisiting Mexifornia 5 years later - it's worse than predicted.

Turns out that NYT story about 51% of women being unmarried was "creative." Thomas Sowell says it was twisted as part of the left's attack on marriage and the family.

Great article on media bias in reporting on the economy.

Jefferson's DNA verified with British Jeffersons.

Space debris has built up to the point it may hinder exploration of space. Great graphics.

Unusual tribute to Ronald Reagan on his birthday.

Supposedly "moderate" Arab regimes are anything but moderate. But what do we do with them?

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