New book describes environmentalism as religion.
UN group calls for carbon tax. Is there any more effective way to stop economies than to tax the energy they need to operate?
CIA says Bin Laden is in Pakistan establishing new training camps.
Democrats new war plan - embarrass Bush. Maybe they could come up with a plan to win instead.
US to talk with Iraq, Iran, and Syria and others.
US to talk with North Korea about normalizing relations. This seems like the wrong direction. North Korea was on the verge of total collapse, and we pulled them back from the brink.
Army patients at Walter Reed hospital told not to speak to the press.
Search engines are an expression of free speech.
Chinese can remote control pigeons in flight.
Christopher Hitchens asks what happened to Britain's conservatives.
Florida state law would ban term "illegal alien from government documents."
Some people are sorry Cheney survived. That's how twisted the left is.
Mike Adams tries to call a self-proclaimed jihadist teaching at Kent State University.
John Stossel says fear mongering has become a cottage industry.
Thomas Sowell is disappointed in Republican Supreme Court selections.
Walter Williams points out the problems with democracy, which is inconsistent with liberty.
Ralph Peters says we still don't understand the enemy in the war on terror.
Dick Morris wonders if John McCain's candidacy is ending right before our eyes. I know that anything can happy, but short of some serious scandal, I think Rudy has it won already - not the just the nomination, but the Presidency.
Austin Bay suggests more reforms to follow Iraq's oil sharing agreement.
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