Scientists supposedly unite to push Bush on climate change. But every time some organization does this, it turns out that many scientists in the organization disagree. This is political pressure masquerading as science.
Australia bans incandescent light bulb. This is a stupid idea. The free market will take care of this on it's own. Criminalizing it is ridiculous. The US will follow soon. The energy hog commercials I see locally are missing the point. They should advertise that those bulbs save money, not just energy.
Security Council deadline for Iran to halt uranium enrichment has passed. The US will undoubtedly push for tougher sanctions, and it will be hard for China and Russia, who voted for this deadline, to block them.
3 American women captured and released in Palestine. Abbas and Hamas are trying to get US backing for his unity government, and apparently responded quickly.
Why do prisoners in Guantanamo have rights again? Nice of the courts to recognize them as prisoner's of war. Prisoners of war have never had rights to a court. The Geneva Convention was supposed to confer more rights on combatants who wear uniforms, but never the right to any trial - just good treatment. It negotiated no rights for combatants with no uniform. But liberals have twisted that to try and give those enemy combatants out of uniform rights equivalent to US citizens. This is part of liberals' larger agenda to project that Americans and America are nothing special. They're wrong.
Putin warns of new Cold War over anti-missile missile deployment. Poor Russia. It's been working with China in a new Cold War of Terror against America for the last few years, but now it's upset because we put missiles in the eastern Europe to defend Europe from missile attack. Russia won't stand for allowing Europe to have missile defense.
Blair argues for biometric national ID card. Fortunately US states are revolting against this here.
The NYT version of what we learned about the White House and Cheney at the Libby trial.
Group pushing for ordinance that would allow legal immigrants to vote in NYC elections. If they haven't sworn citizenship to America, they haven't earned the right to vote. It make no sense to allow people who are sworn citizens of other countries to be able to affect political policies in America. I don't understand why Americans would want to dilute the power of their vote with votes from citizens of other countries.
Italy forces 13 yo girl to have abortion. Wow.
Mardi Gras crowds up in in New Orleans. Homicide rate has skyrocketed.
GOP donor charged with supporting terrorists.
Edwards calls Israel greatest threat to peace.
Hillary objects to confederate flag. That won't win her any votes in the South.
Thomas Sowell writes about politics and San Francisco golf courses.
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