Report says global warming "unequivocally" caused by human produced green house gases. Later, it says "90% chance." This is not science, it's educated guesses. Exxonmobile accused of offering cash to scientists to dispute report. I don't know why they would do that. If taken, that money would only taint the opinion of skeptics, and Exxonmobile certainly knows that. Polar bears ride on a floating chunk of ice, as they have done for millions of years, but suddenly it's a tragedy of global warming.
Intelligence report calls Iraq civil war, says Iraq will be a mess until our next election, and says if we leave the country will devolve into complete chaos.
Mickey Kaus has the audacity to ask, what if the surge works? If it works, and America notices, all those new anti-war Democrats and especially newer anti-war Republicans will pay a price. But will America notice? When General Abrams turned around the Vietnam war, pacified the country, and trained the Vietnamese troops so they could defeat the North Vietnamese, the press refused to report it, and America didn't notice. The end result was the loony left anti-war movement defeated us after we'd already won, and millions of our Vietnamese allies were murdered as a result. If we win in Iraq, will anybody notice, and will the loony left again defeat us even after we win?
Republicans split over Iraq war resolutions.
Israelis are considering a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. If they were not drawing up such plans, they would be incompetent.
China's destroyed satellite adds to space debris. US halts cooperation with China on space. The US has no coherent policy regarding this test, and we look like petulant children whining in response. It makes me wonder if Bush looked into Hu's eyes and trusted him like he did Putin, only to be stabbed in the back again.
Scandal around Blair grows.
Muslim leader says Britain is moving toward Nazi-like police state. This in response the raid breaking up the kidnapping/beheading ring. We wouldn't want the police to stop the kidnapping/heheadings now, would we?
UK arrests 47 alleged illegal immigrants.
Guidelines for dealing with flu pandemic.
Hillary wants to steal oil company profits from shareholders. Trying to recover from her "I really resent it" gaff, Hillary is heckled for her Iraq war position. We're going to have to put up with two years of this because the left is willingly blind and doesn't care that Hillary makes Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, and Carter look great by comparison.
Florida to get rid of touchscreen voting machines in favor of paper ballots. This is not an either/or proposition. We should use touchscreen voting machines that include a paper trail. This isn't hard to figure out that that redundancy is vastly superior to either method alone.
France's economy is loosing ground to the US and the rest of the world because of their silly labor laws. Chirac threatens the US with carbon tax to try to slow the US economy too.
Casey defends his Iraq strategy and says we don't need so many more troops. He says we need two brigades. How come he hadn't asked for more troops previously. How can this guy say his strategy was working with a straight face? Yet he's going to be confirmed for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington is so stupid.
Charles Krauthammer says blaming America for the violence in Iraq is perverse.
Politicians are trying to rename amnesty for illegals "earned citizenship." This is crap, because earned citizenship is what legal immigrants work their lives for. Illegal aliens should learn that lesson and go home and get in line.
Dell accused of taking cash from Intel to stay only with Intel. Intel has been subsidizing Dell from day one.
Wear famous women like Hillary on your dress.
Pat Buchanan rips President Bush's trade policies and knowledge of history and unwittingly exposes how China is waging it's new Cold War of Terror on the economic front.
Peggy Noonan wishes Ronald Reagan an early happy birthday. Happy birthday!
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