Bombs kill 80 in Iraq.
Ahmadinejad gives interview to Diane Sawyer.
Ex-official says Bush is trying to provoke war with Iran. This is a new, even more dangerous position for the left - not only isn't America allowed to use military force anymore, we're not allowed to ratchet up the pressure on rogue nations either. To the left, America is the worst enemy.
As dangerous as natural climate change would be, geoengineering a system we no very little about sounds way more scary.
The evil Valentine's bouquet causes global warming. The President of Czechoslovakia questions Gore's sanity. Gore's sanity is just fine - as is his bank account.
Bush's titanic budget is no cut.
Here's how it works: Assume government spending will continue to grow annually by seven percent on average, as it has for the past six years. Then imagine you only get a four percent increase this year. Official Washington would see this as a three-percentage point cut. It's the fiscal equivalent of a recovering alcoholic drinking only two and a half beers instead of the whole six-pack before the A.A. meeting.Christopher Hitchens describes how Hillary and Romney are trying to change their stripes.
Hillary claims specific Republicans fear her. Talk about another stupid gaff. Hillary's her own worst enemy, but she gets a pass. That's pretty big talk considering Bill couldn't even get 45% of the vote, and only won because Perot took fiscally responsible votes. Hollywood knows Hillary is unelectable.
Giuliani defends gun control, tries to spin that he understands the second amendment. Apparently he doesn't understand the meaning of the word "infringed."
The unity party is trying to fill a non-existant need. Libertarians are the majority - they just have given up on the two party system.
China promises no more satellite killing tests. I think they accomplished what they intended already.
6 party North Korea talks are a tease. Deal. No deal. Deal. No deal. I think any US concession that allows the NK to keep its nukes is a bad deal. The last 15 years of weak foreign policy has painted us into a corner all around the world. Every rouge nation knows it can break a treaty, then get concessions from the US. Break another treaty, get more concessions. Get more dangerous. Get more concessions. Do something bad, and US will reward you to stop. That isn't foreign policy - that's being a sugar-daddy and encouraging anti-American behavior. We need to reward actions in our interests and punish actions against our interests. How hard is that to figure out?
Study says women are chokers.
Stem cell therapy enlarges breasts. There will be plenty of funding now. In a related story, Britain to sell viagra over the counter.
Cheney likely to take the stand to defend Libby from witchhunt.
Nasdaq fails in hostile takeover attempt of London Stock exchange.
Angry tourist drops pants for security check at airport.
Mark Steyn says mankind should adapt to climate change through growth, not reverting to the stone age.
Obama's quest. I think Obama's popularity, while certainly stemming from charm and an attitude of moderation (not to be confused with moderate positions), is actually founded on his lack of experience. America can't stand the positions of the two parties, and Obama has yet to be defined by them. He's a symbol of hope so far without the any of the destructive anti-American baggage the two parties saddle on their members. Barack Obama is a symbol that Americans want freedom, not another candidate from the two parties.
Dinesh D'Souza skewers both the left and the right for their actions regarding moderate Islam. Yet another example that the two parties are failing America. But we'll vote for them anyway.
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