Iranian's crack down on rebels.
Israel seeking permission to overfly Iraq for strike on Iran. Israel denies.
US rejects international ban on cluster bombs. Why would we surrender such effective weapons?
Uganda using UN gun control mandate to massacre citizens.
Fuel efficient rocket designed.
Is theoretical physics running out of gas?
New X-ray scanner deployed in Phoenix airport.
William Krystol thinks it was a bad week for Hillary. That makes it a good week for everybody else.
NASA's contingency plans if an astronaut loses control in space.
Girl Scout cookies have no more transfats.
Pretty good refutation of global warming hysterics.
Austin Bay reports on the real story behind the Baghdad security plan. Everybody is quick to say that the security plan won't work unless accompanied by political reconciliation. What nobody says is that political reconciliation won't work without a security plan. The militias had no incentive to join the political process when they could murder and undermine the government with impunity. Now that troops are breaking down their doors, killing and capturing men and weapons, the militias are suddenly more interested in reconciliation.
No news from Iraq is good news.
Ron Paul's candidacy will be a test for conservatism - he's the only candidate in the race who supports limited government.
9 excellent reasons why we can't trust a Democrats with national security.
Clintons try to keep Bill's impeachment from debate. The funniest line is:
"In the end, voters will decide what's off-limits, but I can't imagine that the public will reward the politics of personal destruction," senior Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson said Friday, when asked whether the impeachment is fair game for Clinton's opponents. Earlier in the week, Wolfson dismissed references to President Bill Clinton's conduct as "under the belt."Hillary's camp wants us to believe that Bill's perjury, witness tampering, obstruction of justice, and resulting impeachment aren't debatable. Mentioning his crimes is supposedly the "politics of personal destruction" - it was the Clintons doing all the personal destruction! Remember the slander of Ken Starr and everybody in his office? Remember all the lies and corruption that were exposed week after week, month after month, and year after year? The Clinton's are unconscionable, lying hypocrites. It shows a serious sickness in our country that we elected Bill, even with a plurality vote, and worse yet, we're considering electing Hillary. How sick are we?
Leap is Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
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