Ahmaninejad calls Feb. 11 the date when Iran's nuclear rights, and other messianic goals, will be gained. I wonder if that's the day he'll test the nuclear bomb I think he bought from North Korea. He's trying to set himself up as a prophet to be martyred, but he's really just a complete loon. In what has to be a related story, a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist has died under mysterious circumstances.
Baghdad offensive set to begin.
Some soldiers consider "surge" to be a lost cause. I hope they have a different story in 6 months.
Iraqi interior ministry estimates that 1000 Iraqis have been killed in the last week. As I pointed out before, as terrible as this is, this is a good sign that Bush's new strategy is working. That in itself is a condemnation of the previous policy of hindering our troops from engaging all the bad guys.
Court-martial begins for army officer who refused to serve in Iraq.
Veteran group to run Superbowl ad opposing surge. I wonder if they'll propose an alternative and discuss the consequences.
New US General takes over NATO troops in Afghanistan.
Palestinians fear infighting hurts their case. Ya think?
China launches first navigation satellite in GPS-type system.
Bush's debacle in Iraq is hastening the decline of America and the rise of China. We're so stupid, we're enriching them and hastening our own subjugation to them.
The anti-American global warming propagandists are winning. In wake of report, calls mount for global response. Ice on Iceland is increasing.
Revolt against national driver's license spreads. That goodness states are finally exercising state's rights! This is a very hopeful development for freedom.
John Edwards plans to raise taxes if elected. Let's hope the rest of the Democrats are as honest.
Cross ordered removed from Chapel to make it more non-denominational. This is the new battle-ground involving religious freedom and civil liberties.
TiVo sells data on viewers viewing habits.
Google tries to hide it's political pressure for favorable deals.
A better way to watch the Superbowl since ESPN has ruined it.
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