McCain to propose bill monitoring bad pictures on the internet. He found another way to attack freedom of speech. We already have laws against child pornography. Thousands caught world-wide accessing violent child porn.
GOP congressman misses four days of votes to play golf. Raising taxes, criminalizing speech, playing golf. It's business as usual in Washington.
Government witness for the prosecution lied in trial that convicted two border patrolmen in a shooting incident. This highlights the hidden corruption of our law enforcement, judges, and politicians from the war on drugs. As if we needed even more reason to ditch the anti-American, anti-freedom unconstitutional drug war on Americans that finances our enemies. Adding another level of bureaucracy, homeland security, to our border enforcement has only made things worse.
More states revolt against National ID card.
FBI's crusade against online gambling criminalizes legitimate businessmen.
Intelligent video software, the all-seeing eye, can monitor people across hundreds of video cameras. Device for secretly scanning irises of public planned.
Muslim, UK principal defends use of schoolbooks for little kids calling Jews 'apes' and Christians 'pigs.' School to edit books.
Serial letter bomber strikes UK for third time.
Italy to try US marine in absentia.
Somalia prime minister shakes up cabinet.
Iran test fires new Russian air defense missiles.
Depleted Uranium affects the health of soldiers.
Fifth helicopter down in Iraq in 3 weeks. Small arms fire was reported. You have to wonder if Iraqi insurgents have developed a successful tactic to bring down US helicopters. The military is considering a change in tactics. No kidding.
In power grab, EU to create rules for environmental crimes.
Ban Alert: New York state Senator proposes ban on walking and talking while using electronic device.
Astronaut used government contacts to stalk intended victim.
Hackers attack internet backbone with minimal effect.
US companies prepare for bird flu pandemic. It seems surreal that we've know about bird flu for years, but we've been unable to disarm it.
John Stossel exposes just how foolish the Boston officials were for instigating a panic that shut the city down over lite-brites. The longer Boston gets away with blaming the ad artists instead of themselves, the more likely we'll see even greater panic and abuse of government power in the name of the war on terror in the future. Where is the outrage of the media?
Rambling but interesting article arguing that libertarians are still better off aligning with conservatives.
Michelle Malkin says the left's idea of a real war hero is an AWOL officer who abandoned his unit and attacked his Commander in Chief. Technicality on stipulation forces mistrial for AWOL officer.
The economic development lesson is clear: Have a system of economic freedom and grow rich. Extensive government control, weak property rights and government corruption almost guarantee poverty. A country's institutional infrastructure is critical to its economic growth and the well-being of its citizens. The most critical are protection of private property, enforcement of contracts and rule of law.Ken Backwell says that the right to keep and bear arms was instrumental in the success of the civil rights movement.
What if Bush's strategies work? Republicans may be cutting their own throats.
I'm glad to have found the link to your blog at Townhall.com. The Aqua Teen Hunger Force thing upset me so much. I sell a T-shirt that says "Living in Fear Sucks." I want to send one to Jeff Jacoby and most of the people who responded to that article.
ReplyDeleteAlso, thank you for the many news links.
Nice theme for a shirt. Boston officials have to admit they're culpability in this case. It doesn't look like they will, and the press won't force them. We'll probably have to have a jury decide by acquitting the ad artists.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should make a new version incorporating the Lite Brite as a graphic! ;-)