Columbian Presidential scandal imperils US ties. The war on drugs is worse than futile, it empowers drug kingpins, terrorists and gangs all over the world and in the US. Prohibition is far worse than the drug problem, and we have to stop it. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.
Britain to send 1,400 more troops to Afghanistan.
Libby trial on verge of mistrial - juror tainted by news coverage. Another blogger, conservative this time, on the Libby trial.
Saudi terrorists kill Frenchmen.
Indian rape victim ostracized for reporting rape.
Bush's approval rating among Republicans is 76%. That's just crazy.
Israel to hold nationwide nuclear attack drill. Duck and cover.
Backlash from Hillary's attempted censoring of Bill's transgressions.
Quigo Technologies gives Google and Yahoo some much needed ad competition.
Chinese government paints mountain green.
Idiotic warning labels that cost consumers billions.
Catholics boycott cell phone porn; Terrorism erupts in virtual world.
Radley Balko says we have too many laws. Way too many.
Cheney is putting the screws to President Musharraf of Pakistan to destroy those al Qaeda bases. Good.
Joe Lieberman implores Congress to support the troops.
Democrats don't have enough votes to repeal the Iraq war resolution.
This liberal is proud of defeating America in Vietnam, after we'd won no less, and enabling the murder of millions. He wants to do it again in Iraq.
Ralph Peters thinks we need more emphasis on human intelligence and less on boondoggle spending programs.
How China uses money policy to undermine the US. We need to balance the budget and adopt the FairTax to fight this new Cold War of Terror.
Absent prompt action from Washington, the US will lose this undeclared trade war without firing a shot.China is not Japan, and counting on China to stumble is no policy at all.
The left continues to believe it's own lies. After all the revelations we've had about Iraq's nuclear program - even the left's darling himself, Joe Wilson, found evidence Saddam was trying to buy uranium, and ties to al Qaeda, the left refuses to acknowledge them. Fitzgerald has been exposed as an out of control prosecutor on a witchhunt involving old adversaries. And pulling out of Iraq will indeed validate al Qaeda's strategy.
Israel raids west bank city.
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