Republican Senators to force a voted ending debate on Iraq resolutions. How come this is being reported backwards? Democrats ended debate, not Republicans.
Iraqi special forces arrest Iraqi government official suspected of militia ties. This is excellent news.
International help requested to combat gang violence in Southern California. We don't need any international help. This violence is caused by illegal immigrants and funded by the war on drugs. We can fix it by legalizing drugs which will disarm the Mexican drug cartels controlling our border and the drug gangs all over the country, not just Southern California, and by cracking down on companies which hire illegal aliens and stopping benefits for them so most will go home. The remaining illegals will have no money and we'll roll them up and send them home too. Problem solved.
Texas man gets death penalty for murder of girl and fetus. The Texas law defines and individual from the moment of conception. This is insane. It defines all abortions regardless of circumstance as murder. Next thing you know, women will be imprisoned for miscarriages.
UK minister orders probe into Saudi funded school in London.
Radical Muslim arrested in UK accuses UK of being a police state against Muslims. It's kind of funny that guy who was planning to kidnap and behead a British soldier complains that the UK is a police state, but this points out the far more serious problem that the radical Muslims are using our own freedom and tolerance against us, and liberals are buying into it.
Palestinian leaders reach power sharing plan.
France to probe two policemen in deaths of youths that sparked 2005 riots. They better probe why they couldn't stop the riots for three weeks also.
Israelis begin dig next to al-Aqsa mosque. This is the mosque sitting on the grounds of King Solomon's temple. Armageddon is supposed to happen if the temple is rebuilt.
North Korea to keep nukes - US to allow it more oil. How is this good for us?
Enforced virtue: the debate between libertarians and conservatives.
Ethics charges against prosecutors like Mike Nifong are rare.
NASA to reevaluate it's psychological evaluations. I guess so.
Use of bittorrent implies guilt to companies.
Gmail is now open to all. I guess I wasted my those remaining invitations.
Victor Davis Hanson harshly critiques Dinesh D'Souza's new book on fighting terrorism.
No matter how titanic the Bush budget, $2.9 trillion, Democrats want more.
The Pentagon's peacetime procurement rules keep tools from our soldiers.
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