Sunday, November 19, 2006

Free kibbles

Victor Davis Hanson provides a troublingly poetic evaluation of the War on Terror. This is a must read.

China and India are cozying up. If China gets trade going with India, we'll lose significant leverage over them. The Pentagon is wargaming for a big war with China 30 years down the road. Why not defeat them now without firing a shot? We can use our trade as a carrot and a stick and force China to stop it's Cold War of Terror and democratize. If we get rid of the income tax and adopt the FairTax, American companies and workers can compete on a level playing field with China and the rest of the world, and unfettered American workers are second to none in the world in productivity.

Iran to host summit with Iraq and Syria. Iran is using the Shiite militias to dominate Iraq, Syria enables al Qaeda and Sunni insurgents, and American troops are forced to sit on their hands and let this happen. If we are to win in Iraq, President Bush must free our troops to kill the bad guys. The Pentagon is entertaining three options for Iraq. None of them are killing all the bad guys, so none of them are likely to work.

Iran continues its progress towards nuclear fuel. The spy game heats up.

Europeans have drank the human-caused global-warming cool-aid.

Wages are up. We get this effect from a minuscule tax reduction. Imagine the growth in wealth for all Americans when we ditch the income tax and adopt the FairTax.

Another entertainer mistakes entertaining for political punditry.

The war on drugs has made drug cartels so rich, they smuggle cocaine in submarines. They are so rich, they control the U.S. - Mexico border, which is major reason we can't stop illegal immigration. The war on drugs imprisons more Americans than any other civilized nation - that's why it's also called the war on Americans. When will we stop this anti-American war that's devastating America and enriching our enemies, including al Qaeda in Afghanistan?

Global orgasm for peace? I'll try it. If it doesn't work the first time, I'll try it again.

Milton Friedman can't debate Charlie Rangle, so Rangle is proposing America institute a draft. Even Democrats won't let that happen.

Putin is allied with China in the Cold War of Terror, supporting North Korea and Iran. Putin is strong arming Europe with his new found oil supplies. Putin is transforming Russia back into a dictatorship. Putin orders the assassination of critics. Bush responds by joining Putin in wizard costumes.

Young people in developed nations are unhappy. Apparently religion is plays a significant role. Religion must be better than opium.

"In diminishing individual liberty, it transforms free-born citizens into nanny-state charges to the point where it imperils the existence of the nation." Thank you Mark Steyn, but Mark is wrong about one point: a small, limited government is not at odds with muscular foreign policy, it enables muscular foreign policy. When the people take care of themselves, government is free to promote American interests around the world. Big government is one of the reasons our foreign policy is so anemic.

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